If we get a good mzungu president who can run things well for us and brings innovations in many sectors lowering cost of living we can vote that JUNGUU time beeeeeeechez without problems. The way saka, soodi and murkomeno are running things here ni mungu tu
Whites are good for south africa. The fact they that have been democratically elected will make south africa great again. The good thing with mzungu is that he sets very high standards in whatever he does to maintain the reputation of mzungus and everyone in SA will end up benefiting. There will also be alot of foreign investments coz foreign msungus can trust their cash with fellow msugus huko SA. Also i see all msungu countries assisting those in power in SA to prove to the whole world that msungus can run things. I foresee alot of the msungus who fled to australia and new zealand going back home to SA coz mzungus now have some political power back.
Shida si moja, lakini kuweka foreign coachez lazima is one of them.
Lecturer kazi hutakosa with creativity na kusakanya pesa ya research. We are talking about the uni itself kukuwa fukara hadi wanauza mikate badala research na knowledge… na wanaona pesa yao itatoka kwa mwanafunzi pekee, you wonder why not sell the same research and knowledge to corporates as well and industry coz they have more purchasing power than students. and its true to their charter.
The software negroes can effectively use to thrive under was erased by colonialism.
What we are currently using is a cracked version of white man software, on machined(countries) designed for the white man in Africa during colonialism.
South Africa is better of under the white man,they just deal with land and everything else will flow