This sonofkayole sought advice from the black market on how to get rid of Osamas and these are the responses…[ATTACH=full]4925[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]4927[/ATTACH]
OooooK…I’ve gone through em all…THEN WHAT…??? Ama u need our advice pia…???..OGA…
Osama sio bedbug, it’s a type of weevil.
That must be it. Unlike ordinary weevils that stick to cereals, Osama will eat literally anything and everything including sacks, wood, clothes, etc. Dawa yake ni fumigation.
Sasa nini hii unasema wewe kiyana?
Osama is the Greater Grain Borer (GGB). Ikivamia hula the cereals plus the granary…
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‘kojolea kitanda,hazipendi hiyo smell’
Kenyans are funny lot:D:D:D
Sanasana mwenye hii comment hapa chini
Kichwakibofu leta link
I thought Osama alizikwa baharini?
… ati cockroaches are like dogs :eek:
@kichwakibovu kuna news ya mharo hapa