Somalis say they're not black

Nobody wants to be associated with chimpanzees


No one cares


I am not black, I am kikuyu.


I’m not black I’m OJ is where it started.


I am a proud Kisii man with a twelve inch benis gaaki


This is the epitome of delusion. So they’ll lay claim to being the original Cushites but won’t admit they’re blacks?? The word “Cush” itself means black. There’s even negroes living in Israel today being called “Cushy” (which means NIGGER btw) as a racial epithet by the white folk living there.

Wonders will never cease.


They have Caucasian hair. They have a right to that claim

Issue ata si texture ya nywele bwana 150. Some of these Somalis are actually coal black and yet they’re claiming “we’re not blacks”. Hii upuzi sijui wanatoa wapi. They might have borrowed stupidity from LGBTQ weirdos who can’t tell the difference between men and women.

They don’t think like black men, they think like Jews. Buying up property together. I really love how united and strategic they are. It’s not about their color. It’s about their skin its about their minds. I keep telling you that nobody wants to be associated with mediocrity. The other day someone was complaining about how Somalis own most apartments complexes in South B what stopped Kenyans from doing it? Wait, they can’t trust each other to do what is right. But hey maybe Somalis are just bitter about the black man like me. Hehehehehe.


Yet nobody wants to be associated with Somalians even them Arabs


The argument itself is immaterial. There are really no black or white people in the strict sense of these words. Rejecting the label is just a way of rejecting the worldwide racist forms of discrimination (esp. social and economic) associated with the description. They are simply refusing to be called black because black skin is associated with many things negative, (eternally used as an excuse to oppress whole populations of supposedly inferior peoples), and the people called black have unfortunately consistently failed in many ways to see the real picture, and rise above, and peel off the negativity from that label, not exempting the majority of Somalis.
That said, “black” is really beautiful, when you have the ability to see beyond the obvious.


Again it’s not about the skin if they were green it’d be the same. It’s their character. In fact their character has spoilt the image of the black skin

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their country is shithole .They are refugees all over the world


No degree detected. Reasoning kama drop out lol


I have ‘caucasian hair’ and I am the blackest negro you’ll ever see.

Am also not black am khoisan


Original before Arabs na Europeans wakuje East Africa Somalis walikuwa black na hawakuwa wanavaa hizo buibui then wakaintermarry vitu zikachange

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Jeolous chimpanzee. They will ferk your daughters and pay her in dollars. Wewe ata Sabina Joy is doubting your ability to pay them 300.

Nobody gives a rats ass.The only difference between you and @Bingwa_Scrotum is that @Bingwa_Scrotum hubinjwa kunyi na german shepherd halafu wanakwamana in awkward positions.Wewe pia naskia unabinjwa lakini hamjakwamana bado tupate evidence kama ya @Bingwa_Scrotum

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It’s only a small group/clan among somalis that has a non African origin even though today their DNA shows interaction with ‘blacks’.

The rest of them are blacks,I guess they are talking about 'shades of black ’ and the confusion of religion or being Muslim .

It’s also a symptom of some problem.Since the country has been in chaos since 1991, a 32 year old Somali has never seen a stable Somalia hence the desire to look for affirmation in other things that can boost their esteem .

The chaos did not just start in 1991, nationhood was already a problem at independence and chaos manifest when Barre overthrows…