As @Tom Bayeye may have experienced, in Sydney there has been an influx of bats. Known as flying foxes, some of these Australian bat species have large enough hands to catch a baseball or play golf. Meanwhile, Mombasa’s Uhuru garden has seen a surge in bats. Environmentalists are trying to understand the cause. Some locals believe it is bad omen while foreign tourist enjoy the scene.
probably to birds like owls and eagles.
Yuck! Hiyo nyumba yafaa ichomwe.
Hawa huwa lazima waingie kwa roof hata ufanye nini. Sijui kwa nini wanaharibia those poor creatures habitat. Si wako nje? Usiku wanaenda zao mawindo, mchana wanalala. Si nasikia huwa wanacontrol mosquitoes? Sijawahijenga nyumba hawa wangwana wasivamie and I never chase them out. Tunaishi tu kwa amani kama vile ndege hujenga viota huko nje mradi wasiingie kwa nyumba ndani.
WAH! Imebidi wabomoe roof yote?
Bats are cool creatures. They use ultrasound to detect objects ahead of them.
They created a country on that roof.
The simple answer is likely to be that their habitat has been encroached on.
you cut your nose to spite your face?
my view- bats prey on insects. Insects flock to lights to get mates and other insects to prey on. bats adapt to be near the food source.
Is this the same as echo-location?
shida ni kwamba as they sleep mchana the shiet…loads of shiet! eventually the guano will not only create an unhealthy stench in your house but it will stain your ceiling and eventually make it collapse.
Yap. They use echoes to determine obstacles on their paths.
The animals don’t make much noise when flying at night. And sleep during the day.
People have been watching too many Dracula movies. And believe bats are vampires…
There are vampire bats though I haven’t heard of any in Afirika.
Superstitious people perceive them as bad omen
Don’t forget some can transmit the deadly Ebola virus.(so I heard)
Bats are very creepy creatures. Their urine destroy ceilings and smell like shit. They also harbour bedbugs. They like dark corners. To me they are second to snakes
Are they edible?
Bats are very dangerous since they carry more than 10 types of virus diseases that can affect humans.