300 billions Kenya money ilikunywa maji after someone accidentally forgot to close the hatch ya a nuclear missile sub.
Call it a lesson learned for the Indian navy, which managed to put the country’s first nuclear-missile submarine, the $2.9 billion INS Arihant, out of commission in the most boneheaded way possible.The Hindu reported yesterday that the Arihant has been out of commission since suffering “major damage” some 10 months ago, due to what a navy source characterized as a “human error” — to wit: allowing water to flood to sub’s propulsion compartment after failing to secure one of the vessel’s external hatches.
Water “rushed in as a hatch on the rear side was left open by mistake while [the Arihant] was at harbor” in February 2017, shortly after the submarine’s launch, The Hindu reports. Since then, the sub “has been undergoing repairs and clean up,” according to the paper: “Besides other repair work, many pipes had to be cut open and replaced.” https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/how-sink-3-billion-dollar-submarine-forgetting-close-hatch-55942
i though inafaa waweke tu sensors if at all there is any hatch open or anything unusual alarm inalia, kama kutofunga seatbealt ukipanda Jaguar, si gari hunguruma na haiendi, birrioneass nauliza kwa uzuri
At the moment, india cant go toe to toe with china on its own but this is projected to change in future. But currently there is an arms race going on between the 2. And uncle sam has aligned itself with india as a counter to china in the region.
India’s population is also expected to surpass china in a couple of decades.
Kwani haina flooding/ballast tanks, terrible engineering design. Either that or a bigger mistake was made and they’re trying to mosey out blame for consumption by tax paying lay persons.
There are sensors to detect water in the various chambers and direct it to ballast tanks. How do you design a sinking vehicle without a flooding scenario? It’s like building a bathroom without sinks?