Nice. Very nice. To act as a warning to the other idiots, if she didn’t end up with the baby father who are you to try and save her…
Kunguru hafungiki. Ktalk motto since 1869 AD
“Alienda akavuna mahindi…”
Huyo alikuwa na njaa.
@KuwaitBabe typing and deleting
We can break up, hiyo ni life, but kupita na vitu zangu kwa nyumba ni madharau ya hali ya juu.
Mzimba shaker! @MTINGIZA_KITANDA
Rusha number ya dem yako nimtingizie kwa kitanda
Hatufai kuhurumia wanaume kama hawa. Even with all the digital archives of simps seeing dust they are still making the same mistakes? Wacha wapigwe kiboko sawa sawa
Use single mothers for what they are usable for - sex. Mambo ya kujiwekelea majukumu wachia wajinga. Most single mothers will agree to be friends with benefits because they have no choice. If you are smart utamuweka hapo kwa fuckzone without ever wifing her up even as a second/third wife.
Sioni makosa ya huyo mwanamke.
Mwanaume hana purpose kwa maisha, hana mtoto, anahitaji mahindi na vitu za nyumba za kufanyia kazi gani?
Huyu mwanaume ako na resources mingi za kuwaste on strangers akiwapeleka boarding school
UkiChengwa Tulia…
men and trying to play hero to single mothers .lakini hata Adam alituletea mashida juu ya kusaidia single mother…mtu amepewa ball na another man wachane nayeye …
Kunguru hafugiki nyumbani. Atakutesa
You need to look for her,find out what the problem is,apologize to each other and then make up.
Infaaa huyu jamaa aokotwe mpaka ile siku ata pata akili
Ati mpaka alivuna maindi…Aint no love in this game, its a jungle out there.