should we re-evaluate Religion or to each their own?

[SIZE=6]The men who eat dead bodies: Indian cannibals use corpses as altars and drink from human skulls in pursuit of their spiritual goals[/SIZE]
[li]The Aghori spiritual sect live close to crematory grounds near the city of Varanasi in northern India[/li][li]Worship the Hindu deity Shiva but contradict the religion by practicing post-mortem rituals and cannibalism[/li][li]Photographer Jan Skwara captured members living their ascetic life of meditation as well as rituals involving corpses and human skeletons[/li][/ul]

Stunning images have revealed new insight into a reclusive religious sect of men who live in cemeteries, use dead bodies as alters and consume human flesh to enhance their spiritual connections.
Portraits show members of the Aghori sect, a small denomination of Hindus, going about their prayer-focussed lifestyle in the north Indian province of Uttar Pradesh.
The group reside near cremation sites along the banks of the Ganges near the city of Varanasi, where bodies are routinely cremated and scattered into the sacred river.
One chilling image captured a man as he tipped his head back and raised his hands before drinking from the mouth of a real human skull.

In another picture we see a man sat down with a red human skull perched on top of his own whilst his face is covered in an eerie white dust.
Polish photographer, Jan Skwara, 38, was travelling through Varanasi, when he encountered this Aghori sect. The Aghori believe in asceticism - a lifestyle in which one denies themselves of sensual pleasures choosing instead to pursue spiritual goals.

Stunning images have revealed new insight into a reclusive religious sect of men who live in cemeteries in northern India, using dead bodies as alters and consuming human flesh to enhance their spiritual connections

Portraits show members of the Aghori sect, a small denomination of Hindus, going about their prayer-focussed lifestyle in the north Indian province of Uttar Pradesh.

Polish photographer, Jan Skwara, 38, was travelling through Varanasi, when he encountered this Aghori sect and began to document their reclusive lifestyle

One worshipper’s home used an empty coffin as a shelving unit, and a gym bag of collected human skulls are seen at the foot of his bed

One chilling image captured a man as he tipped his head back and raised his hands before drinking from the mouth of a real human skull

Over the course of four days, Jan learnt a great deal about the Aghori people. Known for specialising in post-mortem rituals, the Aghori people also practice cannibalism. Whilst they worship the Hindu deity, Shiva, Aghori practices are seen as being contradictory to orthodox Hinduism.
‘It is said that the Aghori exist in the space between life and death. They usually live close to crematory grounds and collect “human oil” from corpses,’ Jan said.

One stirring image shows a bearded man sat silently with a human skull perched atop his own head
'Post-mortem practices are considered to be filthy in Hinduism but the Aghori disagree with this. They have their own belief system built upon providing offerings to their God and consuming polluted things like human flesh, excrement, or toxins.
'There are many Aghori who choose not to partake in these ancient traditions. Instead, they engage in positive social change - even a former president of India was Aghori. However, others live outside of society pushing asceticism to the extreme.
‘The Aghori don’t like visitors - especially tourists - as their lives are concentrated on praying and meditation. I was able to visit them as I met a young man who was a former Aghori.’
Aghori people only eat the flesh of deceased corpses and often also use bodies as alters to forge a connection to the sect’s deities.
Asceticism promotes ridding yourself of passion, lust, and shame. For this reason, Aghori people wear very little clothing as a way to rid themselves of any shame. They are not interested in receiving any fame or notoriety.
‘It was difficult to find anyone who could take me to see them. I must confess, it is scary to see all of the skulls,’ Jan said.
'They behave strangely - sometimes screaming or running around. Aghori rituals may seem shocking to Western people but they are largely accepted.
‘It’s hard to describe the Aghori as their philosophy is so complex. There are no rules to how they should behave. Many follow their own individual paths.’

In another picture we see a man sat down with a red human skull clasped in his hands whilst his face is covered in an eerie white dust

Known for specialising in post-mortem rituals, the Aghori people also practice cannibalism. Whilst they worship the Hindu deity, Shiva, Aghori practices are seen as being contradictory to orthodox Hinduism

The Aghori believe in asceticism - a lifestyle in which one denies themselves of sensual pleasures choosing instead to pursue spiritual goals

‘It is said that the Aghori exist in the space between life and death. They usually live close to crematory grounds and collect “human oil” from corpses,’ Jan said

The greatest control of all humans is fear, that’s what they instill, if you guard that you are safe.

so we should be ok with death and what happens after (Heaven, Hell or nothing)?

Residents in Toraja, Indonesia takes out their deceased loved ones out of the grave once every year to celebrate their lives. This festival is known as Ma’nene.


All religion is built on fear of the unknown, particularly the deep-seated fear of the double-sided mystery of birth and death. Just as we do not really know where we were before birth, and we do not really know the future after death, we spend the period between two parts of eternity–the few years we call life–searching for meanings. Until that fear is accepted and humans surrender to the realization that they are not–and cannot be–gods, wierd rituals will continue to be performed in that endless search. Perhaps the joy is not in the ultimate discovery of truth, but in the search itself, the rituals.
I choose to go by accepting that God is eternal and unknowable, though we are occasionally privileged to catch glimpses of His greatness. This is why various religions do not concur. I’m always awed by the depth of King Solomon’s simple counsel in the Bible in Ecclesiastes 5:2.,

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.

life and death will continue being a mystery to us.
and if we find Aliens (other life forms), will that surpass our interest in religion or will it be another mystery to solve?
many argue that if we find Aliens, religion will be done away with. (as it will open a pandoras box, in regard to us being the only creatures created by God)

I don’t think religion is likely to disappear altogether. There are just too many unknowns, since the reach of science is still at the stage of just scratching the surface as far as knowing the universe is concerned. Just imagine all the millions of galaxies scientists tell us exist, apart from the solar system. Even if we discover other life forms (aliens) out there, it will just be another beginning in the endless search for who we are and where everything we see comes from. I believe religion will simply change.

the changing part is the concern for many.
many believe people will stop believing in a god and maybe even lose hope in life. (many want to live as they know when they die they’ll go to heaven.)

Beliefs are very powerful and personal, and they are influenced by many factors, not least what kind of family you grew up in, and the experiences you have had in your interaction with the world away from parental control. Many people change their religion, but I think they are in the minority. There’s an exploratory stage in life in young adulthood when people experiment with many things, religion included, but it passes. There are also times of great social change, as now, when people reshape their opinions and beliefs about life, but ultimately, a human being needs a guiding light by which to walk the journey of life. Religion does so for a lot of people. I think after the roller coaster of the search for a higher truth, people still settle for what they know best. You’ve got to believe in something that gives you a roadmap on how to live your life. Whatever you believe is in shapes your life. In fact there’s a sense in which your life becomes your religion.
I also think that it’s a bit manic not to believe there is something bigger than man. We are so tiny compared to the vastness the universe, which even our current technology cannot encompass, that it’s laughable to think that the human brain is the architect and ultimate controller of it.
There is a time I dabbled in the idea that maybe a Creator was a myth. It tormented my mind as I tried to reason out that science was supreme. Over the years, my eyes have seen quite some amazing things people have achieved, yet great people still die and get buried. So, man is not that great, after all.
Eventually I was humbled to accept through reasoning, that there must be God, and there always will be. What we differ on is how we understand Him.

great words.
the difference is how we understand/call the higher being.

Nobody said we are the only creatures. In the book of Ezekiel a description is given of creatures around the Throne of God. The description is scary. Aliens would only make us see the greater Greatness of God. And now set us free to explore the Cosmos knowing that there is alot to know. Even in the physical realm. Theologians state that 90% of creation is invisible to us. So. Imagine the wonders out there. All Created by God and each having a purpose and a path. Its a very exciting thought.

that’s another possibility I haven’t seen many exploring (or those who think like that aren’t vocal enough). if we find others, it might just reinforce peoples’/believers’ belief in God.

but if we don’t find, does that mean we are the only creations or the only creations alive at this moment?
and are the beast who will show up at the end (7 beasts or so), a creation of God?
so is everything his creation and does that mean there are some of us who are destined for Hell whether we like it or not?

I have never understood predestination it exists but there are principles that we do not yet understand fully. And some are only to be known after we transition from this planet on the next phase of our journey. The Laws of the Cosmos are many. Too many for mortal man to know.

We will find. I have no doubt. God created other creatures each with their purpose. Bible says it. Folk tales from North America to The Aborigines have tales of men from the sky. All cannot be lying or crazy as “modern man” wishes to say. Star Trek is the real deal. There are planets inhabited by beings… each evolving spiritually and physically just as we are evolving spiritually and physically… Some are ahead of us. Others are behind us. But all are learning different aspects of God. Even we shall learn different aspects of God. This world is limited. When you think of such things… Being rich like Bill Gates is actually the smallest achievement. There is so much out there. No wonder Jesus said that in His Father’s house there are many seats.

there are many discoveries of Earth-like planets that could support life and also weird noises being heard in space.
so it might be a matter of time before we discover/get discovered by other life forms.
and what if we find them and they are more advanced than us and have evolved in religion (had same believes like us, but due to advancement came to “better” conclusions of life), we might change our religion.
i also find it weird that movies and series portray other life forms in other planets/galaxies… maybe there are others and have made contact, but to keep peace on earth, they are kept secret.
and what if some of the religions are from the Aliens/other lie forms? so whos correct?

You’re right save for one tiny detail.
Man made god in his own image.
Like Starwars, the Bible is a great work of fiction.
That’s why the Bible says that all the Bible says is true.
But you know, talking snakes, mass raping, genocide, and incest are all so godly.

Don’t believe me? But the Bible says so.

but what if the Bible/religion is mans doing/creation.
someone just recorded the happenings around humans and somewhere along the way, people decided to start a cult-religion based on it?
like StarWars, lord of the rings…, are “cults” as it is and one day be religion

Religion is a tool, always has been.
The Bible has been rewritten countlessly over its existence to suits different agendas.
Why do you think there’s so many versions of it?
A lot of effort goes into creating a cult and religion has been refining its tactics for 2k years.
If you really want to understand religion as a cult, check out the r/exchristian on Reddit.

and do the other religions have many versions of their religious books?
and is religion Christianity alone?

Am more familiar with Christianity coz been there done that. Am over it.

But all religions are basically the same. Manmade and with one overarching aim, to exert influence over followers.

Check out r/exmuslim while you’re at.