“I’m not leaving him for his infidelity but because it turns out I have a dumb, stupid husband.”
A woman revealed that he found a packet of condoms in her husband’s shoes and when she confronted him,
he explained that he wears them as socks.
She said she is going to dump the man because he couldn’t be creative enough to give a clever explanation.
“This one is just stupid. You can’t be unfaithful and stupid at the same time,” she said.
[=AZVtR0711Zc1vJfeJEKRYRpu_5T55EX49uhf-SnE64rkYMdykMqrtbenKMvUU_mQpACrboJOveC1SEid6rQPqHA8VU7kY-r36xeRfC6ZTxnWNqPrjZ7Ctpi3A-egpc5WA6sEBarcz1pJ_2ZJqJsP-1bgXSKdlDYrUmBcLTOpwQyGVIt0DhGl-My3btPBdX_iQvk&tn=R]-R’]Joyce Mwai]('https://www.facebook.com/joyce.njambi.3?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDoyNDcyMzc4NDA2MjcyMzgxXzU3OTE3ODQ1MDIyMTYyMA%3D%3D&__cft__[0)
Just imagine Jonah’s wife when Jonah told her he was in the Fish’s stomach for three dayshttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t52/1/16/1f923.pnghttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t52/1/16/1f923.pnghttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t52/1/16/1f923.png
The explanation is hilarious though