I have these shaving pimples that have grown on one side of my face. Hapa kwa mashavu mahali huwa na ndevu (i shave kwasababu humisumbua zikimea and I dont like nikikaa jangilish) niko na pimples na zina nisumbua. Sometimes they even swell and have puss inside. Kwa kinyozi zikitobolewa napata kanywele kamemea ndani. I need a solution coz these things are killing my vibe.
Someone with worthy advice anisaidie. What do i do?
Avoid close shaves. Clip your bead na scissors ama uweke spacer kwa shaver.
Buy and apply BUMP PATROL a few times after shaving. You will be very smooth. Slightly expensive though
Good shaving cream
Good razor
Good aftershave
Never use razor to shave. Use Machine as it has less precision and won’t give bumps.
Nunua hii pumb batrol iko sawa
I shave weekly. How many times do i apply? Like twice a day ama nini?
Just do it once a day.
Nanyolewa kwa kinyozi and I’ve always been very categorical that they use the non bald machine. They also use good aftershave na other stuff.
Nywele yako ni ngumu basi. I know this might sound weird but get them threaded sma tweezers
Thanks man. Time to try it
Another queer thing. Its on one side.
Did you just start shaving
Ofcourse not. Ive been at it for the last 13 years.
ongea na hawa: barberia cutz barber shop lokeshen ni Nairobi. They know theiya job
Same predicament here. Though I think this has to do with the beard (hair) being thicker on one side. The trick is to have your shave more regularly. I machine shave twice a week, so as not to get that irritating ingrown hair. Plus vile umeambiwa hapo juu. Bump patrol is the best.
None of the creams and lotions suggested above will instruct your genes to produce straight hair. The only way to avoid the bumps if you’re a real nywele ngumu is to not shave closely.
I seem to suffer from the same. I only get bumps on my left side. Na nywele yangu ni ngumu proper
I bought a small shaving machine and simply comb through or trim the beard, it seems to help.
Ti hi hi hi… Weka picha tuone…
Sorry, just leave it to grow and trim. Inakaa masiwa ya mama uliwacha mapema. Mimi nilinyonya masiwa until that point ya kula ugali. Sahii nywele ni nyororo…genes ilikubali
Watu wa nywele ngumu hamnanga bahati. But still avoid razors at all costs. Use a machine and load it with a gauge. Make sure to straighten beard with a comb before shaving. Finally after the shave use a hot cloth over the shaven area. Don’t scratch