The much publicised Monaco grandprix tour by none other than the AMG SC himself is finally here. Reporting for Al Jadeed Al Dohwa news is Kush bin Njoro.
[ATTACH=full]239552[/ATTACH] The SC disembarking from the Emirates private jet owned by AMG group at the Monaco mini airport.
Earlier on the SC held a closed door meeting at the Simba/Premier lounge at the JKA and thereafter had a photo session with Simba 1 and Simba 2 outside the lounge before boarding the waiting aircraft.
[ATTACH=full]239554[/ATTACH] Photo session outside the Simba lounge, JKA.
Meanwhile @Mimi Huwa Namwagiwa Ndanii will be sharing his exclusive mbicas from the location. Follow us on kenyatalk for more unfolding news on this …
Wee huna habari. I said something on one of the posts hapa. Baaaas he landed on me na matusi za pesa kobole…getting my and your post all twisted. I said Kush is another thread about something else and I am here on the shoka ishu. He vented like a mad man and refused to respond to you…nikachekaaaaa nikaenda zangu.