I’m in the market for scooter [(100-125cc)(TVS/Honda/Suzuki)] ya kukimbia hapa na pale (max 10kms per day). Katika pilka pilka nimeona kama scooters ziko overpriced see snip from Car & General Website
Visited Car & General Dealer (Ksm), several Honda outlets & internet sellers lakini sijapewa satisfactory answer regarding this prices.
Anyway kama unajua mtu anauza scooter iko hali mzuri let me know. Cc @introvert and other bikers.
TVS Wego are really good.
They have sold well even in US.
Bei ndio mbaya, lakini the support and parts are good.
Ama ingia olx utafute Vespa classic.
I’m looking for one for my living room. Hehehe.
[li]60k-80k for used ones depending on condition.[/li][li]100-120k for brand new[/li][li]few dhausands for buying/transfer/transport overheads[/li][/ul]
budget (buying, shipping to Ksm, miscellaneous etc) sio taabu, nimeshangaa tu bei zao.
Infact sales lady wa C & G was like"mbona ununue TVS Wego ilhali TVS ZT 125 (off road bike) ni bei same.
…[SIZE=3]nilidhani scooter ndio dudu za[/SIZE] kifikifi
Vespa haitawezana na mlima ya Kamas/Obote Rd/Lwang’ni plus kilo zangu
Kawaida huwa na-advice watu wawachane na vitu za India. Chinese is rubbish and cheap, but you can tell how far it will take you. Indian products are marginally above cheap and difficult to predict where problems will start. Indian products break down in ways they are not supposed to. Anyway, tafuta scooter used Japanese although huwa na-suspect wanaume wote wana-insist kuendesha scooter.
To a civilian who judges the quality of a product from aesthetics, you may not notice any difference. However, the fact is that a Japanese Honda made 50 years ago still beats a present-day Chinese or Indian motorbike many times over. The quality of a product is determined by the materials, the processing, and the skills employed. No company gives these away even in joint ventures.
Japs apan ligi moja na Indian. Najua mtu amenunua Block ya boxer ,na yake sio ya biashara btw.na mm yamaha is over 15yrs na imefanyiwa rebore only once…and runs like new.
Too bad whats the make?
Alafu btw unaonaje the upcoming Tenere 700 .hehehe I think i need to sell my soul in good time…[ATTACH=full]192715[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]192716[/ATTACH]