One of my best friends met his now “live in” Zambian wifey huku huku majuu like 8 years ago,wakatuliza pamoja and even have 2 kids together.I knew this guy before he even met this woman and he is one of my closest buddies from way back when.
They have been going through a rough patch just like i have but the geographical distance between us meant that we just kept in touch ile tu ya wassup na parties etc. for the last 2 years.
Beste amenigotea like a week ago and told me that he has been told by some relative of this woman that she has 2 other kids back in Zambia.
The only thing is that this guy was told by the woman that those kids are adopted from her Sister who died of Aids kitambo and that even they dont know that she is not their real mother. So this woman is now trying to bring the teenagers to rejoin her (their mum) majuu and all of a sudden the woman
s cousin drunkenly mentions it to my friend ati hawa they are actually her kids and not only that,they have different daddies who both left way before they were born!
Jamaa last week confronted the woman about the new revelation and she was unable to say anything at all.
When he phoned all her relatives wale wako huku they either just hang up on him or they had no comment.But one of them told hi that this woman of his had warned all of them that if they ever told him about the 2 other kids in Africa that would be the end of them.
How do you deal with such Betrayal?
Niko na shida zangu and i dont even know what to say to my best friend. He has committed hizo miaka zote with the nagging doubt from all the photos but not once did he doubt the woman.Sasa what pains him most is knowing that EVERYONE knew but him! All the times he met the woman
s relatives kiroho safi they must have been looking at him and thinking he is been taken for a fool…
How do you deal with this shit? Huyu mwanamke the best she can say is that i thought you wouldn`t love me anymore if you knew!!!
Jeso wa jakufu… I have seen it all Now!!!
mimi av a cuzo doing the exact same thing to the hazi…they stay in S.A. watoi wakwanza wawili a boy and a chic wako shags ns her mom…yye ako S.A na bwana ako oblivious na clueless together they have a daughter…its one of those things you just keep off juu hujui walitoana wapi
hekaya za kabuda would be an instant bestseller
But imagine you were in SA and you lived near them and you knew what you knew and even got close to the hazi? Would you say something?
I personally think that it is Evil and really cheap for a woman to deny her own kids just to keep a man. The Evil part in this woman is the part where she threatened her own relatives against telling this guy.
How can you have kids with someone and even contemplate building a future with them knowing that you had such a big secret?
@Col Kakende aka @Wakanyama Naona umelewa… thie ugakome nyenje ino!
Just accept and move on
I like your response,you must be truly a man of the cloth but if this woman is able to lie and deny her own children to keep a man,what else is she lying about and how do you trust her after this?
There are two kinds of fools. One says, “This is old, and therefore good.” And one says, " This is new, and therefore better.
so the only problem here is an ego issue?
where i come from the wahenga said if you like a heifer you take even the tethering rope, even if it is frayed…
Wanaume walee watoto. Mimi naoa msichana. Naenda kwao naona kila mtu na ninahesabu watu na mushene naskiza. Apana oa watu na maisha yao iko na stori mingi mingi
Parables za nini sasa,just say exactly what you mean.
You surely must be a compromise of the two.
Its not about NOT accepting her and her buggage its the lies and Trust issues.Would you not mention to a prospective partner that you had a history at the earliest opportunity?
For me the earliest opportunity should have been the moment she got pregnant with my friend. Its fucking serious enough then…!!
You must be jinxed,every thing that comes near you doesn’t end well ,angalia,kina mama ya watoto wako wote,lesbian neighbors,nyumba zako the list is endless,Fr lingwangwa,toa mashetani kwa huyu mjama
Mara ya mwisho kukukumbusha, mbisha
He should leave her asap because if she can keep such a lie for so long then she is capable of even worse, then after leaving her he should take custody of his kid na aende mbali sana kutoka kwa huyo mwanamke
Mara ya mwisho kukukumbusha, mbisha
At a times the society is so harsh on this ladies that many have killed their kids to keep their new catch or earn favour from them.