Saitoti Alikuwa Na Pesa Notes Za Ksh 1,000, 500 Na 200 Equivalent To Containers Mbili Za 20 Feet Kwa Bedrooms


Na jamaa ended up like a grilled chicken. The same jamaa alikua TASA and had stolen a poor woman’s boy and forcibly adopted him. After his death, the mum came guns blazing for her son.

Saitoti alianza kuiba pesa zamani. He also stole money meant for Emali - Loitokitok Road back in 1990 and also diverted Loitokitok water Project to his flower farm located in Athi River called Prima Rosa.

Hawa matajiri wana shida mingi sana. His co-thieve Mr Nicholas Biwott had Onwed a Bank, a local charter airline and homes in Australia and Canada but never enjoyed his stolen loot. Kazi yake ilikuwa kubebwa na Gari kama tano from Eldoret to Loita Street




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Hio pesa iliendewa au ilienda wapi?

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The Loitoktok Water Project is the reason the entire region of Kitengela, Athi River and Mombasa Road don’t have running water.

It will take us 1000 years to recover from the damage boomers did on us.


Jimmy wa… Aliendea hizo pesa haraka upesi… Na a few guys who were to join him in his bid for presidency… The story was in a kitambo standard news paper after the wife was interviewed…


Longterm residents of kajiado say the area started developing after he exited the scene. Jamaa alikuwa mtiaji sana


Same case with Ole Ntimama, he is the one who was standing in the way of other communities moving into Kajiado.

Masai wameuza shamba after Ntimama died


Nimeskia hii story pia hapo ngong town and environs

The water to that farm is stolen from Loitokitok from a natural spring call Nolturesh. The water originates from Mt Kilimanjaro and is crystal clear. It is evacuated via 30Cm pipe to his farm 170 KM away in Athi River


Couldn’t he just let the project succeed alafu atap to his farm? He must have been a proper selfish guy to do that


We have had our own share of Hitlers

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Bana, he could have supplied to Kitengela and other areas then tap the water. Hata angeongeza one bob for every liter the residents pay for so that he uses his for free angekua bado amesaidia watu, the way the chinese and other countries’ corrupt individuals do. Kazi inafanywa and they skim on top. Sio kama bonobo anachoma the entire project then he sits on top of the pile of shit smiling.


Yes. He had a flower farm hapo athi river next to mombasa rd. Bado iko? And yes the water was meant for kitengela but he diverted it to the flower farm.

The rose farm was called PRIMA ROSA, i think it was repurposed after his death. A lot of his money and property was stolen by lawyers and his cronies.


I used to hear Ile ostrich farm huko kitengela ni yake. Is that where the flower farm iko…

No the flower farm was hapo on mombasa road a short distance from Devki steel mills. Ostrich farm ndio ilikuwa kitengela interior.

Lets be reasonable and objective and look at this theft of water in a sober manner. That Primarosa Farm was less than 100 acres and they were planting flowers, not rice that uses flood irrigation.

A standard pipe that delivers water to a town like Kitengela would be around 150-300mm in size delivering 2,000 -20000 cubic metres of water per hour at standard pressures, enough to fill an Olympic size pool in 6 hours or less. Now why would such a small flower farm need so much water on a daily basis? The answer is propaganda!

Uwongo zingine muliambiwa na wazazi wenu mulimeza hook line and sinker, hadi waleo munaamini. Hakuna maji ya town yoyote iliibiwa!


So you want to mean that Saitoti was a Saint. St. George?

I have been to Nolturesh countless times. The intake pipe diameter is 12 Inches (30 Cm) you would expect the diameters to keep reducing to maintain good water pressure. Maybe kwa farm pipe ilifika ikiwa 9 Inches

Upuss … hakuna kitu mnaambia old Dynasties hapa. Tulieni mpangwe tena na the new dynasties. WaKenya lasma mumee akili …

Same as Nakuru na Moi. The town has no running water after munical pipes were diverted to his bahati farm. As teenagers we would tamper with the pipes for fun…hio maji ilikua na pressure wazimu.

Soon sections of Nairobi will suffer the same fate because water will have to be diverted to estates owned by Uhuruto