Saddam Hussein Sentencing

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Waliua huyu jamaa bure bana. Kuna detailed documentary kwanini alingolewa. US ndio walimweka kwa kiti but down the rd wakakosana and he had to go.


When you make a deal with the devil…

He stopped being their puppet when he ascended to power. Contrary to their initial agreement. Ikabidi wangoe waweke msee wanaweza control. I think it was about oil.

There’s a two to three hour documentary about it on YouTube.

US was also desperate for a scapegoat to place on the 9/11 bombing. Americans were outrageous and baying for blood

Was it really about oil. Remember Bush senior invaded the country and withdrew almost immediately. If it was about oil, he would have stayed.

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Fucking united sodomites of anarchy

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