Ruto will never be President! Who is with me on this one? As a kiuk I refuse to be blackmailed!
Ruto does not need the kyuk vote to win… He already in there.
Deni lazima nilipe.
Usijidanganye kila mtu anahitaji kikuyu vote
Ukweli tusimame gangari kabisa tusikubali kutishwa
Moi won 3times without it… What makes it differently.
Hehe…including during the mlolongo right?
what 3 times?
97…92…and all the mlolongos before
Mie mtanzania niketi wapi
Jamaa wa kiambu tulia.
If Ruto works tirelessly and makes Big 4 a success he can use it to stand over other contenders despite the breakneck speed he acquired his vast wealth.
Kenyans just want to eat when their leaders are eating. Hakuna kutuma watu mtoni na shambani then mnabaki mkikula
Most of these guys who are politicking about 2022 are idlers, do not contribute to the economy and are paid to post this nonsense.
naona ugikuyu na ukabila ni kama roho na damu…one can’t exist without the other…lol
If all fails, integrity will lock him out, chapter 6 manenos. The Kenyan political landscape is about correct itself, before 2022.
These corrections are gonna wipe out the likes of Sonko, Waititu, Joho and many others out of the public sector forever.
You can take that to the EXIM bank.
Hii maneno haifaii kapsa !
What WSR did during PEV will never be forgotten. Kikuyu and Kalenjin is a forced marriage and the wound lies deep. Go deep in Kikuyu homestead and you will learn of the bitter truth of the hate that kyuks have for kalenjins. The persecutions Kikuyus have gone through will never be forgotten. Ruto will never be president
Ata mimi niko nyuma ya tent…
okuyu wakidefault wapelekwe CRB.