whats the purpose of these weapons of mass destruction?
they maintain peace US will think twice about attacking russia and vice versa
the technological advancement zingine kama hio sioni ile siku itakuja tumika
uncle Putin Hana shida na sisi…
The most powerful weapon is one that will never be used.
It could also explode in their pants . …
By the way can Putin point out Kenya from the world map?
Any nuclear weapon that can destroy everything in quarter of Kenya, let alone the whole of it, would destroy all life on earth, and put the planet on a path to a nuclear winter and a new ice age. Know what you are saying before posting it everywhere.
Kenya inajulikana msee. Even know nothings know us. Putin KGB lazima anajua tuko wapi. He sent spies to K’Ogelo disguised as RT journalists with real mission of planning “Operation Kidnap Grandmasa 1”.
US and Russia have very advanced technology which could make our lives much easier gained from extraterrestials but they are very obsessed with such war toys.
The aim is MAD!
Mutually Assured Destruction.
Nobody comes out shinning.
The destruction on the adversaries and the rest of the world will be so severe, that civilization will cease to exist as we know it now.
Why would ango putin nuke us while his marcenaries can capture vumbistan.
world war 3 will not even last a day ni kumalizana chapchap
Lest we forget, DT is ‘few days’ away to having access to the RED BUTTON… Russians can btt f@k Kenya but still sucks US kawke if the worst comes to the worst.
Why in the world would Russia bother with us? A small country in Sub Sahara Africa that does not threaten any of their political or economic interests? I see no reason