Ronaldinho to marry TWO women at the same time

Soccer star Ronaldinho is to marry 2 women at the same time. Can this happen in Kenya?



NV unakuwanga umbwa sanaa .

ukileta story leta na evidence in terms of an article/wrink complete with pictures si umafi umeskia kwa base ya mogoka na kuweka hapa kwa birioneas forum . shenzi .


jamaa alikua anapeana through passes za nguvu.

Noma sana

Kama ni ukweli, hii ni mzuri saidi.

tafadhali , hakuna mtu ame kuuliza boss

Apparently its called a three - lationship
Lucky bustards

na yeye anapewa throughpass ya threesome for life!

Women will hapilly share a kul guy and while superficially they may pretend to indignation, but they will stick to the motherfucker like glue

Gaucho the football god…

Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho 'set to marry both his girlfriends' | Daily Mail Online

Ronaldinho to marry TWO women at the same time after meeting them in December

ata ukileta link hatuclick …

Quadrey tangu kipara yako iongeze 0.0000000012 hectares unajionanga Rottweiler saidi.
Ng’ombe hii.
Tusipimane kipara tafadhali.

Happened in a Nakuru “church” a few years ago.

This is what football should be. During each game we always knew he would entertain us

Cant imagine they shared a pitch with Messi.
Must have been terror to opposing teams

They never played for long together but Gaucho lost form due to his love for parties.
