Robert Crimo III

The father should also be charged as an accomplice for facilitating access to dangerous weapons …

Both criminal and civil charges must apply …

Dagitari how does it amount to being an accomplice? I thought that requires having a direct knowledge to an impending criminal act and facilitating it.

  • The father admitting ownership to the weapons.
  • The father knowing he had access to those weapons and having intentions , desires or motivation to use them illegally.

In Law , it is known as Misprision … :D:D

Your interpretation is a little off.
Misprision of felony" is a crime that occurs when someone knows a felony has been committed but fails to inform the authorities about it.

The Law is interpreted WIDELY ( …wildly …??? )…
Some year back , in 1982 , hundreds of KAF personnel did time for " misprison of treason " at Naivasha Maximum Security Prison …

Allegedlly because they should have "forseen the actions , activities and events " that accrued from the few that took part in a “mutiny” among their ranks on that day …

The poor fellows were rounded up while asleep with their wives and families ( …some were actually on leave in their rural homes …!!!) …

Who was President in 1982? Were courts really functioning then? Same courts that imprisoned Koigi, Raila, Anyona…without trials?