
Fastest in the world: amazon
largest by volume: amazon
longest in the world: nile
fastest in africa: gura, nyeri kenya
cleanest: thames, london
dirtiest: ganges, india

how does a river pass in a city and be one of the cleanest in the world?
ingekuwa bonoboland hali ni hii; nairobi river

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Pia mimi first time visiting the west, I was surprised by how clean the rivers that pass through the cities are. The rivers are so clear and clean that unaeza enda fishing apo. Africa we are just careless.


careless ni under statement, sema primitive aiseh


Collective discipline.

Hamna selfishness.

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In all honesty, how comes nothing works as it should? Are we really that much bonobos?


uliza chifu bonobo @Ndindu

kila siku lazima aweke thread aki lalamika juu ya negro race :green_emoji:

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River Thames was once a sewer line. Walisafisha ikakua safi. Saidi


yes. we really are the scum of the earth and we deserve to be colonised. @TrumanCapote is right about this no doubt.

ata mimi nmeona ndio cleanest nikaenda google kuConfirm nikaona io story :green_emoji:

hapo yenyewe walijaribu, ilikuwa kama ya ganges ya curry munchers banae

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Rasta acha uwongo … niaje lakini.


Solution watu watoke slums warudi ushago

ni ukweli mdau

With considerable effort from policymakers, the river’s fate began to change. From 1976, all sewage entering the Thames was treated, and legislation between 1961 and 1995 helped to raise water quality standards.28 Apr 2022

Kibaki and Uhuru - 20 fwakin years but they couldn’t clean Nairobi river??

io haigwes make, ni kama kuosha nguruwe buana.
unless iwekwe fence kama sgr na leeway ya mita kumi side zote mbili

Nairobi river’s biggest enemy is industrial waste…wahindi humwaga uchafu yote nairobi river.


ata hizo slums imepitia huoni situation bana, mpaka rivy ime block juu ya solid waste

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Ganges Kuna corpses hio Iko another level

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Na maffi ya wahindi