Rigathi to import cheaper Chihuahua dogs to beef up his security

DP Gachagua is one man on a cost cutting mission. Following reports on national TV that his team uses the ever expensive German Shepherd dog for event security sniffing, Mr Gachagua has made changes. He is set to import 10 certified sniffer Chihuahua dogs from Colombia. Each dog will cost shs 45,000 and each will come with a Spanish interpreter earning 100k a month with a free three bedroom apartment in Lavington. Below is a happy VP pictured with one of the imports

Below is a church pictures of previously used German speaking dogs. They eat the equivalent of two adult portions per meal. Each dog costs upwards of 145 k to procure. They have difficulty understanding simple Swahili hustler commands, and have a monthly medical checkup budget of 95k, food budget of 75k and laundry plus training budget of 75k.

These dogs are a God_Sent gift to procurement and accounting officers

Chihuahua are lap dogs and are native to Mexico, maybe he meant to say Beagles.

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Watu wanalala njaa na wengine inje, why bother us with all that detail ?

These are a special kind originally moved from Mexico to Colombia to undergo high altitude training in Medellin. They can detect really minute concentrations of chemicals

Shiney eyes are willing to donate their “Boscos”

Si wakuje tu Lubao market in Kakamega they get local breads they train them


If he dares source locally zenye sraykwins hutumia kulambisha vinebe , all they will do is chase mtumish dorcus around instead of beefing security


This is cheap comedy, not news

It lap/toy dogs are ill equipped for sniffing, why not go for a small bodied dog like beagle, which is natural wired for sniffing and has a cool temperament.
Getting Chihuahua as part of one security is like getting a Belgian Draft to race against An American Quarter .

Wee mzee wa wesdan lazima ungeingiza boflo kwa serious discussions :joy:

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Buana you have forced me to gugul

Kitambo we could go hunting na hizi local bread sourced from Lubao n they could sniff even a bee in it’s hive…

Hey alter ego
Where is ur mommy
Anus urge

Watu waachane na Riggy G. If you were in his position and with his enemies, you’d do the same ishh he’s doing. Ata chopper anunue yake and use mzungu pilot.

Kuwa sirias unataka prophetess alambwe sehemu nyeti na mutina.

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