Rich widows of Kiambu


The bitch appeared on Kameme TV on Wednesday morning for a live interview knowing that the husband was dead and lying in the forest. Cold blooded murderer

Leo mumeamua @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii alale na kofokofo

She rose to be a women rep being that stupid? That she thought she could clean blood in her house to be undetectable is the evidence of her stupidity. Then going to report that he was missing the same day he supposedly left home. Murder that involves many people cannot be hidden.

It goes like this: Most men get married to get give their lives meaning and structure. That’s why even well-meaning parents will pressure their sons to marry as soon as they are financially independent to avoid ‘drowning in alcohol, plentiful pusy, nihilism or general debauchery’. That’s the reason I have always advocated a ton of self-discipline if you want to become and remain a successful life-long bachelor, but I digress.

But here is the thing; sometime down the road, after his testosterone has tanked and he is no longer excited by every new skirt that crosses his path, the married man will wake to the realization that he traded his eternal freedom, resources, peace of mind, and money for something that was within his power anyways. That he has to stomach a whiny fat wife like this one whom he is no longer attracted to, just to be a responsible man and to be accepted by the society! Such a high price to pay! Na hapo ndio ngoma huanza when the planteshen worker starts looking for an exit strategy. FYI, only 1% of men who get married at 25 grow old and wrinkly with their first wives as they foolish think they will when saying the famous ‘I do’. Very very few, if any!


Make no mistake going MGTOW is extremely hard in your 20s or 30s, your own family might even ostracize you but ferrk them, it’s your damn life. But if you persevere I can guarantee you will reap very handsome rewards in your late 40s and beyond. Let this be a cautionary tale for every young man out there who is thinking of hiding under the veil of marriage to avoid dealing with the brutal reality of manhood!

Munaoa matako at 25 years forgetting that at 50 hio matako ni mafuta yenye hutaki ata kukaribia then what do you expect? This is an extremely foolish woman whom I suspect never went beyond form 2, just like @magreb

Talking of kofokofo, brown skin you must be headed towards 40 kama unajua hii term.

Its a Kikuyu term and I was raised in shagz kule rainy county of Nyandarua.

Last heard it in the 90s.

Poor comprehension skills. Where is it stated that she rose to be a women rep?

You are trying to score a point. She was a candidate during the concluded elections

Don’t underestimate the power of tugeges…
To try and elect anything…

Its as a result of watching to much Netflix series especially Ile ya How to walk away with murder
She spends the rest of her life in a hole leaving their kids forever traumatized.

Angeua @sludgist takataka ya manispaa

Hehehe. Onawe wathaka na tûhiki tûtû twa Kafete ûrîonio kanyoni wa ng’ethe

Wakwa ni wanakuuu kwanyu…muthakaa takii…aumiite Kanjuri gwa @gatume


Ini tūrutaga mbegū mwaki mwaki

Kiambu wimen will remain feared for decades

Hao hatuguzangi. Kana atia wakwitu ?
Nīacune maitho ni mbaka.