The [I]New York Post[/I] reports Kenly Police Chief Josh Gibson, a key clerk, and five of his officers quit their positions to express their disapproval of the new town manager Justine Jones, a Black woman.
In a Thursday announcement, Gibson wrote: “I have put in my 2 weeks notice along with the whole police dept. Sharon Evans and Christy Thomas with the town of kenly after 21 years of service… the new manager has created an environment I do not feel we can perform our duties and services to the community…”
Hired last month on June 2, Jones has had a history of “progressively responsible positions,” which the former force disapproves of.
“However, due to the hostile work environment in the Town of Kenly, I do not believe progress is possible,” wrote Gibson in a formal letter.
Many black americans have already swallowed the liberal agenda and victim mentality they have lost respect from normal black and non-black people. Their leaders are basically race hustlers.
I can see why as a cop, you do not want to risk your life daily for misguided liberal policies like going soft on hardened criminals. In some liberal states petty theft is practically legal
I am rather tired of hearing the term “Woke Nonsense” …
The term was officially coined by some Far Right Racist White Senators and Governor’s allied to the Trump Party to indicate their displeasure at any Issue , Policy , Law , Principle, Condition , Ordinance or even Constitutional Provisions …
Just 4 examples:-
The teaching of Critical Race Theory ( CRT ) in schools.
Racism and Slavery are a reality of the past and the present in the US. It needs to be Interrogated , Studied , Understood and removed from US society.
Why …??
Because it is the United States of America and not the United States of White’s Only America…
Fortunately , it is a disease found only among the Far Right Extremist Elements of the Party of Trump.
Roe v Wade : The fundermental Right of any woman to make decisions about her own body.
There is a constitutional SEPERATION of Church and State in the USA (… Freedom of Expression , Liberty and the persuit of Happiness …) . A compromised , far right , Trump appointed Supreme Court has just reversed this fundermental Right enjoyed for over 60 years .
The Right to Vote and participate in free and fair elections.
It was only in 1964 , when the Voting Rights Act was passed and enabled minorities the right to vote ( … amazing , in a “democracy” …) …
Recently Trump and his followers attempted to reverse election results and now are installing Trump Party election officials in most States to manipulate , interfere and control voting outcomes . Some compromised State legislatures are even contemplating reversing the Voting Rights Act.
The Second Amendment Right to bear Arms.
The Founding Fathers of the US constitution were rather smart …this right was applied to “organized militia” during and after the War of Independence to ensure National Security during a very difficult time.
It was never intended for 17 year olds to own lethal military grade automatic weapons ( … incidentally who cannot even legally purchase cigarettes and alcohol in most states…)
it was never intended to facilitate huge , lethal arsenals in homes that are contributing to the gun carnage in that country.
But here again , the Party of Trump and their good friends , The NRA and Far Right entitled white racist Extremists have re-written the rules to favor their sick narratives.
Minorities in America now exist in a fragile soap bubble usually referred to as “the American Dream” …and it is exactly that…a dream.
The nightmare reality is that :-
their rights and freedoms are being trampled on …
Jogging while Black , Driving while Black , Swimming while Black , Shopping while Black and even just being Black can get you harrassed , injured or killed by racist entitled bigots and idiot white cops who don’t even appear to understand basic law … don’t take my word for it …
Go to YOUTUBE and watch the clips …!!! …
It would be nice if you viewed the situation in this light rather than watching views and commentary of FOX News Anchors and Trumplicans…
@Mengele :
Any oppressor will never quietly relinquish power …
As the Reverend Jesse Jackson told a Civil Rights Rally in 1968 …
"…from the Dog house to the Court house , we shall overcome…
"…from the Slave Ship to Leadership, we shall overcome …
There is an element of the entitled white race and power structure that is unwilling to relinquish hundreds of years of white privilege…
And they intend to maintain the status quo by all means necessary …
Hence the importance of all minorities in the USA to stay very “woke” to what is going on around them … :D:D
Wazungu ni watu hypocrites sana. Hao maghaseer wana smile na wewe kwa streets. Wanatoa coffee teeth zao nje ku smile but ile chuki iko kwa mioyo yao wacha tu. I had a vacation in France one time. I realized they dont like it when you can afford to stay in a hotel they stay at. Sasa ngori ilikuwa. …the swimming pool was full of those leeches…so sisi bila kujua tukasema tuingie swimmo kwani iko nini. Hapo ndio nilijua racism bado iko. Those white pigs started leaving the pool one by one. Amazing thing is that kulikuwa na like 3 different pools with different water temperature each. Tukiingia hii wanatoka…tukiingia ile wanatoka mmoja mmoja pia tunabaki tu sisi. Tested this theory next few days and our findings was that they didn’t like us for being black " in their territory ". Watu meffi sana. So hao makopa pia wanajitoa. They can’t imagine taking orders from a black woman.
On the issue of abortion it was never a constitutional right to begin with let each state decide its own fate…the so called far right fought within the system to remove it as a constitutional right .and its quite funny that the states making the loudest noises are the ones that have guaranteed abortion up until the 3rd trimister…why complain when ur state already gives u those rights…
The right to bear arms is to ensure the government does not get into head to trample down on civilian liberties its this uniqueness that has inhibited dictatorship in the US for the longest time something the left js so eager to change…they have legislated enough fail safes, as legally possible, to route out possible cases of deranged people from going haywire…
About voting rights u just plainly mislead ur argument is just stupid and speaks of hours watching your glorified news outlet probably cnn or msnbc…
Racism and slavery is already taught in american schools…do you even understand what crt was about and why a majority of black parents were against it…
Shenzi kabisa
Kuna watu maisha yao yote ni ya victim mentality so everything has to do with race…
Any conservative whether under progressive rule would probably resign too…too much wokeness
True…u know who hate blacks the most…liberals the progressives…they are hypocritical to the last drop of their blood…malcom x did confirm this…there is a quote where he blasts the liberals…
Why do you think all the affirmative and self pity drives for the black man emanate from…they think less of us hence the shock when u get to their level…id rather a conservative anytime
With the blackie…But hii woke chieth is creeping in hata workplaces in Kenya…Saw EABL for example has all-women engineer, graduate trainee, managers etc cohorts