Sylvia Mulinge a coprate was denied a work permit on the basis that there were competent Tanzanians who could do the job. The funny thing is that the contract was given to an Egyptian. The current administration does not hide its disdain for Kenyan’s why are we even charging Jaguar for saying it like it is,.
The moment they arrested jaguar i really felt our diplomatic muscle is zero. Yaani TZ akibweka sisi nao kama wajinga tunamweka ndani na the same Tanzanians do worse to us. Big fail
I thought the Tz govt blocked importation of Brookside milk; has that changed? Plus wakifunga export of raw milk it’s their own farmers who’ll suffer, coz I doubt their local prices can match what Brookside offers.
If we hadn’t arrested Jaguar it would have sent a different message to international investors. That would be interpreted as Kenya being a politically volatile country.