Real nature of Raila supporters


@johnpombe angalia

@ChifuMbitika you think that Ruto is the brightest monkey in the meadow.

wajaluo watasumbua siku tatu halafu wasahau hio mambo…wakale on the other hand…flashback to Moi days

This time round hakutakua na PEV. Their neighbours Luhyas 50/50, Kisiis 50/50.
Wakale ni moto wa kuotea mbali.

Ojingas are a cursed people

Jaluo watu washienzi sana. Let no one make a mistake of electing these fools. Mtakojolewa mshangae!


Ojinga. The 527 you are receiving daily is peanuts compared to what you’d receive in a bottom up economy.

Lets try and grow up and stop these tribal attacks online.