Maybe Uhuru needs to borrow a leaf from Buhari, transfer the guys in Eldoret to Turkana-West Pokot -Baringo border. Transfer guys in Lanet to Marsabit and the loafers in the Kabete, Kahawa, Embakasi and Lang’ata to Garissa, Wajir and Mandera.
Boinnet tried to transfer mere traffic policemen @ weigh bridges and the matter is in court
I don’t think military men have the power to go to sue over orders, otherwise wale walipelekwa vita somali wangekuwa the first to go to cort
Kwanza wa kahawa ni pombe na kumaliza wasichana kahawa wendani
inakaa umemangiwa kadame hapo kahawa, siurushe hiyo hekaya hapa watu waipige usoro
Whenever i think of KDF, i always see overfed pigs with very little contribution to the country. When will Kenya ever be faced with serious military aggression? They went to Somalia alright but are we any safer?
If you can’t protect me from ordinary thugs, stop spending billions on KDF, claiming you are protecting me from possible military attacks from some unknown countries. If you cannot protect Kenyans from enemies within, why do you spend billions claiming its to protect them from external ‘enemies’?
Kenyans should understand that the principal role of KDF is to protect those in power from possible revolutions and NOT not to ‘protect’ citizens from external aggression. This is the reason successive Kenyan governments are very ‘soft’ when it comes to the military. They need friendly standby forces to deal with any internal uprisings.
Police officers should be BETTER paid than these loafers masquerading as KDF. If they couldn’t effectively handle some malnourished terrorists in Garrissa, i doubt their capabilities to a handle a serious, battle hardened ragtag army.
kwanza huko north eastern kunafaa kuwa na temporary operation bases like they do when they actually go to war, al shabaab wanamanga manga huko like they own the place.
On the flip side operational costs will baloon.
I bet many Kenyans will die without experiencing KDF engaged in any conventional warfare. With east African countries becoming more integrated, chances of any military attacks from neighbouring countries are very low.
In case of a catastrophic third world war that would definitely involve use of nuclear bombs, our defence forces would be as useful as a spent matchstick.
The only credible threats that Kenya face are internal: Al shabaab and possibly a rejuvenated MRC. This means the Kenyan government should invest more with the police than with the army. You’re 1000,000 times more likely, in your lifetime, to be attacked by a thug than the Ugandan army.
So, yes, these KDF personnel should be deployed in North Eastern.
You and me know the weigh bridge issue is political after the Keter saga. Can we please try to think beyond our noses.
our progressive Constitution
very harsh. do you wish “serious military aggression” on us?
i wonder if you have ever set your foot past thika, isiolo, or kapenguria. your comment would be otherwise different…
He is just stating the truth
I understand North Eastern is nearly like a small country in itself, which means we would need quite a number of bases to effectively police that huge wasteland.
Setting up operational bases is possible, but that would drain public coffers. There are other options to consider though, drones would come in handy
Same with Europe, with the coming of the E.U and collapse of U.S.S.R, they felt safe got comfortable and started cutting their military budgets, sahii ndio hii mambo ya Russia-Ukraine imewagutua from their slumber
I too believe drones are the solution, kwanza operational costs za surveillance drones si prohibitive, then ikiona kitu you send in reapers or others than can kill
This casual dismissal of KDF is really sad especially coming from a literate individual. Just yesterday there was a piece in The Daily Nation detailing KDF’s takeover of Kismayu . Those guys are brave, fighting a faceless enemy, in a foreign country, fighting a battlehardened population which has known nothing but war.
KDF has its own share of bad jobs but people must stop blaming them for cases of insecurity within the country which is the preserve of the Police, who seem to do well in nothing else except craft new ways of collecting bribes undetected.
Wote hua na nyege waki-assume office. Tumpe miaka miwili.
hii imetokea wapi nayo? are you lost?
Why do you think I’m lost? What I meant was all new presidents “hit the ground running” with all these fabulous ideas, until they meet a brick wall in the form of bureaucracy. Ask uhuru about the laptop project and he’ll probably give you an exasperated look.