Polygamy doesn't work de Mathew muigai wa Njoroge prove it

If God loves polygamy why do STDS exist? Why did He tell Abraham to chase Hagar? Haiwesi meki don’t lie to us.

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It’s very hard for a man to remain polygamous in today’s materialistic world.

I know of a dude, very wealthy, who had 2 wives and seven kids.
The wives were living in separate homes but the chaos was too much that he chased them away and was left with the kids. He built a new home where they all live.
The shudren co exist very well.
I believe Muigai wa Njoroge may have used that tactic.


Funny coz our parents generation never engaged in polygamy and it wasn’t bcz they did not have the money. Even our grandparents. You stay with one wife and have ten kids with her. Polygamy is a demonic lifestyle no wonder witchcraft is common in such families.


Which country and tribe is this?
Polygamy has been there and it will still happen.


How many polygamous Merus do you know?

Kwetu tuko seventeen plus, na by the way I have brothers and sisters sijawahi meet. Najua tu wawili watatu ivi, mmoja a gospel artist (female), the other one niliskia tu ni lecturer in one of the public universities; sijai mmit. The other one nilimuona mazishi ya mzae, nkaskia anadai kusimama kama mp hata sijui jina lake ama nilisahau. Sijui anything about him. My dad had four wives. Kwa family Yao, brothers zake walikuwa na mabibi. Hio upuss doesn’t work. My uncles na mzae had the potential ya kuwa wazito saidi but wamama tu…hawakutaka kuona ka skirt kanapita…


I come from a home where my grandpa had 5 wives, 1 is still alive. Dude was a disciplinarian such that the wives and kids( my uncles and aunties) lived together harmoniously. Up to date my 13 aunties and 11 uncles still have bi monthly meetings…all of them educated and with good careers though most are now retiring.
Fast forward and all my 11 uncles ,including my old man, have more than 1 wife…one had resisted but juzi ameongeza at 49yrs…Baluhyia have always embraced polygamy provided you are loaded and can comfortably provide for your family. One uncle has actually lived with his two wives in the same house for 30yrs now. He put up a huge house with 2 wings, i think its a 6 bedroom house…bibi mmoja huishi wing A mungine wing B. They cook together and have businesses together. They have operated a retail shop, spare parts shop and a boutique for ages, together. Their last borns( boy and girl from different mothers live together hapa fedha). Their first borns have a landscaping company together.
Yet hapa Nairobi kuna jangili flani who got his money in last years of Kenyatta snr, dude owns vast tracts of land, has apartments all over the city lakini bibi wa kwanza ni chizi na ameshinda yeye…rumour has it she finished her cowife. Juzi i met the old man kwa local akasema he has now moved to his ranch in kitengela with anothereoman…cant stay in kiambu with his 1st wife for fear of getting killed and he swears he has never eaten food prepared by her for the last 20yrs.
In short polygamy can only work where that culture is embraced like baluyhialand…and you must have resources…though mimi personally polygamy siwezi…my wife has been great for the last 13yrs we have been together


Safsana. Polygamy ni stress tupu.

For me I can not marry a Merian bcz my maternal great grandfather had 16 wives. So basically any Merian could be my relative. I only know one step sis to my maternal grandmother and her brother the late Mmbijjiwe who was a minister in Moi government. Sasa hao wengine woooote siwajui. Either way nobody in my maternal or paternal shags is polygamous. Matter of fact I didn’t know polygamy existed until I was in my twenties. I used to think that everyone was monogamous. Everyone I knew from the estate I grew up in. Upto now I still wonder what is really wrong with women and men who are polygamous. I look down on such unions and feel that such people are weak and indisciplined. Tena sio wanaume kamili they’re still children since they can’t control themselves for their children’s sake. I also look down at divorcees and other serial monogamists. They are not man enough to keep a home. Most guys I meet my age are divorced and I know that I am only date them for fun, I can’t marry a divorced man bcz it’s adultery. That’s Christianity. I just use and dump them bcz they’re garbage and they don’t deserve love bcz they’re indisciplined and lack the maturity to uphold a marriage.


..let’s discuss how do you use them and dump them. Heri kuachana na mutu kiroho safi. Mimi niliapa sitawahi tumia mtu hata awe my staff.

I am confuzed. Are there polygamous Merus or not?

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Relationships are about meeting needs. You use your wife to give you kids, sex, cook and clean for you don’t you? Men are the best users ever. I hate baggage. If I wanted to deal with a spouse /baby momma and your kids I’d be married as a second wife. You don’t expect me to be with you and listen to you talk about your kids and bitch about your exe and not get anything out of it do you? I don’t have any one to bitch about except Zakayo and I bring zero baggage. I’m not hiding kids some where to lock you down. I don’t want to lock you down so what the heck am I getting out of the relationship if I can’t use you for anything? Relationships are transactional if you can’t be used for something am out.

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Mpuri Aburi.Bibi yake ya pili ni Jaruo.Baba yake ni Adonija Odinga.

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