Yes. It’s called Prophets of Doom coalition led by Rails Amoro Odinga aka @Agwambo aka @Baaba.
He confirmed today that Covid 19 cases in Kenya could be more than in UK. If only we had the same capacity to test…
The coalition has its members; @D… Mungai
@ nie @uwesmake @Purge @Purple @ChifuMbitika @Meria Mata
If you look at our projections over the last one month, we were very right. The infections were going to grow exponentially.
See this
If you have cricked you will notice that on 22 April 2020, the number of infections was a mere 291.
A month later, the cases are 1,161 which is an increase of 391%…! If we’re were to grow at the same rate, the cases will be over 100k by end of June.
Maybe some of us will never take covid 19 seriously until we get infected or affected. I am affected as I have lost a friend already (2 weeks ago).
Be safe.
Good night
Pole Sana for your loss. I have been downplaying the seriousness of this virus but of late, I am no longer taking chances. Let’s all keep safe because we never know how much worse it can get. Considering the fact that the foreign powers can do anything to make sure that the scourge wipes us off the face of the earth.