Photo Interpretation …
When an Ex-Flame of 2 years ago sends you the following Pic via WhatsApp , …
What could be Her Motive …??
As far as I recall , It was a clean break with no Issues or Fall-out …
Photo Interpretation …
When an Ex-Flame of 2 years ago sends you the following Pic via WhatsApp , …
What could be Her Motive …??
As far as I recall , It was a clean break with no Issues or Fall-out …
Ako na mimba!!
Hii inakaa dem wa South Africa. Unless unaishi huko
anataka umwage hadi tumbo ikae hivyo
na kaa iko hivyo kwani mwenye alimwaga alimwagia hadi kwa mkono
Anakujulisha game yako ilikuwa chini.
I have been around and about …
If that answers your curiosity …
Why do you feel the need to bandika her bisha? Ghai!!
To what benefit for Her , may I ask …???
That is fairly obvious …but after 2 years …???
You could have asked her that question you know?
She sent me the picture …for a reason that I cannot quite fathom …
Sending just a picture , with no accompanying message is indicative of What exactly …???
Does it hurt you? you could have RTSed it and block her. She must have known it would bother you.
She is an EX …period.
That means no “Re-Runs” …
And as it is someone else’s good work , …Why would She send me the Pic …??
Anakushow ameshika mimba na hayuko sure ni ya who. Kama unaweza saidia kihali na mali tuma kwa nambari yake
Already done …
But that does not answer any Questions …
Really …???
Mimba ya Miaka Mbili …???
kwani mimi ni Ex si umuulize …in your dreams na ushike hii na uchunge usikae hivi
I think you both have some unfinished business. She wanted to show you she has ‘jogged’ on. Clearly not and you clearly rattled by it. That is my take.
An EX is an EX …
I am not the one who initiated contact …
Don’t you think that She is the one with Issues and needs to move on …??