Pension Payments Scandal

The State lost KES 67 Billion in Irregular Pension Payments.

What you need to know:

  • KES: 21 Billion was paid to 29,387 claimants with shared bank accounts.
  • KES: 44.07 Billion was irregularly paid to 221,590 claimants with irregular and no tax PIN.
  • KES: 1.62 billion paid in lump sum to 962 claimants before their exit dates from public service.

How long can this Nation continue to sustain this level of Graft … ???
Bure Kabisa … :rage: :rage:


I have relatives struggling to get their dues years after retirement from civil service. Very sad indeed

REMIX :green_emoji: :green_emoji:

Kuna kunguru inlaw inafanya hio kazi ya ‘Kuharakishia watu’ The way I detest her, I will set up that bitch tuone yeye NTV

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I maintain this is not even graft. Graft would imply some level of intelligence applied to circumvent a system. This is simply theft and collusion on a grand scale. How is 44billion just paid out without anyone noticing or raising a red flag. Wizi tupu hapa.

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I’m still trying to understand HOW sane adults woke up at 04:00 AM in 2022 and danced their way to Polling Stations and voted for a bunch of Thieves , Shareholders and Conmen …:rage:

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I unfortunately believe the same same madness will be displayed in 2027 with a fresh batch of lies to boot. Some of these fools voting can just react to stolen chicken and a pickpockets in town. The end
