Wiki ya mwisho and this nigga is getting paid…some biacchhh lazima atanitambua.
Chunga ule dem wako wa kufanya ulie mpaka ulale asitokeleze
Bitch ass negroid, am sure hiyo pesa itaishia kwa poko na pombe
No need to advertise some guyz hawajui difference ya 20th or 5th wallet wise
Then come here with sob story asking for advice…:mad:
Si pesa ni zangu hata nikitupa kwa choo haitawahusu…kwanza ni huyo dame ndio ntapelekea…i will make her an offer she cant refuse and if she refuses she will regret later.bitch must know that this nigga is paid…
Dude, do you have any idea how many people have spent their hard earned money all the way to their graves?Some things are not worth bragging about.
Good for them…but that is not an indicator of the quality of their lives.
since am not in my grave yet why dont you let me enjoy mine with whoever i want to enjoy it with.
Don’t notify me of new comments
A troll. Knock yourself out, tushakuzoea.
Bora tarehe 15 ukikatikiwa uskuje hapa kutulilia ati unataka advise.Utafundishwa na ulimwengu kijana.
Hii ni nugu sugu!
Kama unataka coomer na pesa ambia @uwesmake akupeleke kericho upate coomer na soo tatu
This guy is just trolling for comments.
I know maybe its part of his work as a mode
Use the cash to massage your crashed/ broken ego… You desperately need it.
You must be an old hag.ive noticed your bitterness in your comments.