Won’t go well politically
What are the likelihood of this passing through the budget committee ? , and with all the financial hardship facing Americans due to Covid-19, Biden administration will go ahead and pay illegal immigrants close to half a million dollars ?
@Sambamba, this is a bad joke.
It won’t even happen.
Uko na kauchungu mahali wishing you are one of those who were seperated.Wacha watu walipwe pesa sio ya mamako.
So you think you are wise than the decision maker.
Ushajua America iko na Financial hardship
Biden atamaliza pesa za Stato bana. Nimeona article wame approve kupeana pesa za mortgage to home owners. Already kuna child tax credit ya $300 being paid put. Ongeza unemployment money. Inflation will be inevitable
Uchungu ya nini ?
@patco alienda wapi ?
Hamjuwahi nielewa. I am not against minorities recieving a pick me up. In fact I fully support 101% slave reparations to African Americans so they can uplift their communities. Hata hawa immigrants wakipewa ni sawa kabisa.
What I detest are the bullshit lies? For instance every American knows where drugs pass through to go mess up black communities. But when Trump talks of securing the border hawataki because these politicians receive drug money! Why else are they against a secure border?
Number 2, I do not feel pity for Latinos, Cubans or even Haitians because they virtually live next to a super power. They have all the opportunities within their own countries to exploit that super power next door if they wish. Mexico is not a poor country, they just have a highly corrupt govt.
If Mexicans for instance wanted they could be richer than the Americans but they are lead by dynasties who don’t give much of a fuack about the poor people.
Don’t look far, look at Biden and the Clintons. Robbing the U.S govt directly is tricky.if you want to steal money from the U.S govt you have to do it in foreign lands which is why Democrats love the U.N, NATO, civil societies and NGOs so much.
When you look at all the money given to the U.N to help Africa, you won’t see where that money goes. African refugees remain poor… kwani hio pesa inaenda wapi??? Inarudi tu kwa mfuko ya Biden.
They start humanitarian projects in Ukraine but in reality ni wizi inaendelea mchana mchana. There are videos on Twitter of activists leading migrants to the U.S border. This is a business.
The aeroplanes that will ship back the migrants, hio pia ni pesa. If you provide the tents, food… hio yote ni pesa utalipwa na U.S govt.
Ni kama pia ali-luwere pamoja na commissioner @ChifuMbitika
@T.Vercetti handle ingine bado iko siberia anabattle climate change.
Hizi handle zinanuka old monk na deorro aka @Oti The Gargantuan .
Winter nachapa yeye pale Flint Michigan