This is how I’d like to spend the last years of my life on this earth.
Imagine being wealthy and very lonely at 92 years. MGTOW shauri lenu.
Siwezimind kungurumisha bajaj na sex tape yao
Are you a blue pill apologetics
Cook for your spouse or partner pole pole ukitinigiza kinyambis as you listen to blues and RnB kwa background
With this generation of irrational horny women ,good luck with that.what I advocate is marry but don’t put your faith in your wife and children.
I agree, lakini heshima idumu gathee, nilikuona umenitaja ovyoo kwa thread flani yako, ni tu venye vipii vilikuwa kwa hiyo thread, sikuwa nataka kuku kana ukomeshe hizo tabia mbele yao
:D:D:D:D:D…this is achievable with a hot ,sexy and beautiful under 20 damsel ,tafuta pesa vizuri,beta male and you shall enjoy life like a king !!! …just remember the life that the late Hugh Hefner enjoyed.
:D:D:D:D sawa chapu
Huyo guka still sees his wife as the little gal that he used to chase until she said I do. A perfect love made in heaven. This days is hard to find since we think it can be replaced by material things.
Mimi nauliza tu huu wimbo waitwa je? somebody someone please
I would like it too. Hawa ni wale mmoja akikifa mwingine anafuata within a very short while.
My neighbor huko ocha lost wife while he was 65. He died at 95. Never remarried. was living ALONE bitch
At what age should a alpha mail marry? Asking for my cousin
muteso muzee viagra addict, nilijua lazima utakuwa wa kwanza ku comment
nguruwe wewe hutombwa mkundu so you will get married to @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii
Choo ya ngamia
Never marry .
Malisaa hio ngiriiiiiiiiii
Hapa ndio HB pressure inaona aibu kuwakaribia.
hii pesa inataftwa wapi, si unirushie katenda