“He talks as if he was detained with me (yet) he came to JKIA drunk as a skunk. He could not even speak. He was incoherent. He couldn’t even stand on his two feet.”
Huyu hawezi saidiwa, tabia za huyu kama yule female chokoraa wa hii mtaa jojimalaya.
Miguna fights everything and everyone
to be the king lazima afight the current king,miguna akicheza hii game vizuri atakuwa tge next raia mkuu(king of luoland)
Hio ya ‘he couldn’t even stand on his two feet’ seems far-fetched. Miguna wasn’t smart, he could have used his Canadian passport to enter because this would have helped him fight for his citizenship status while in the country,
Hakuna kitu kama hicho, it is not easy. Miguna hukosana na watu on very petty things.
Boss, si i thought ni Ramadhan umefunga ama unanyesha utafunga baadaye?
It has been a common occurrence for Miguna X2 to do an attention seeking ploy once every few months. He gets the attention for one week and then everyone forgets. The social media warriors who were defending him are now enjoying the handshake loot after baba said TANO TENA KUMI FRESH.
Can’t we just get another Jatelo apart from these two?
mkuu,Ramadan kareem
The problem with Miguna is it must be his way or nothing and then he has this illusion that he can change the way RAT practices his politics.
He can’t.
Taking no prisoners, wueh!
He lacks tact. He is driven by emotions and the quest for short-term victories
Folks from the lakeside are an emotional lot.
we are all emotional; the difference is in how well we handle our emottions.
The guy thinks that he is the smartest most intelligent human around, add his ego,pride,arrogance and lack of tact
it’s a disaster.
For you to be in his good books you have to praise and agree with everything he says.
I don’t know who will inherit Raila’s Luo block but it will not be Miguna.
48 Rules of power ,he should learn a thing from Ruto if he wants to get anywhere near a position where he can change things…
I’ll take the contrary position.
Miguna is one of the most honest people in Kenyan politics. Because Kenya politicians R not used to that level of truth they see him as a troublemaker.
Most politicians do not want any association with him because they know he will expose them. There’s nothing the devil hates more than the truth because it exposes him. The devil thrives on tricks and lies
Where will all that honesty without tact take him? Something’s go hand in hand.