When I watched the movie 300 close to 10 years ago, on the opening scene a narration goes of how Spartans killed deformed babies at birth. The case of this kid with a face similar to Admiral Ackbar got me thinking on the same lines. Without all the religious bs, I think bringing up a deformed kid is too much a hustle and doctors or the law should allow culling chini ya maji. More so the insecurities that the kid would go through in life won’t allow reaching full potential. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081118162020/starwars/images/f/fb/Ackbar_HS.jpg
I think abortion should be legalized, with prenatal genetic counseling people would have options on whether to eliminate such babies before they are born.
I will forgive your post coz I guess you are yet to be a parent. Just pray that you never have to wear that shoe because I doubt that you would stick to your current position.
Actually the so called perfect do have their imperfections, mismatched boobs, gonads, buttocks, feet, extra fingers, vibogoyo, bald heads, foul breath, sweaty hands, smelly feet, negroes… if we start playing God we’ll be back to where Hitler was with his supposed superior Aryans
The body has its own internal mechanisms of rejecting fetuses it deems unviable, via spontaneous abortions most of which happen before you even realize that you’re pregnant.
Traditionally, some of our communities dealt with physical disabilities ruthlessly: babies born physically disabled were simply abandoned. Have you ever seen a physically disabled elderly Samburu man? Or Turkana? Etc
Depending on what disabilities, physical or mental, if i was to be told that my child would be born blind and deaf with severe mental and physical disabilities i would rather spare him the suffering and instead suffer his loss for the rest of my life
You are not immune to disability yourself…shit happens in life. But disability is not inability, i have a relative who got paralysed 24 yrs ago just after 5 years of getting married, he never gave up on life…he had a good wife who never left him…he continued with his job as a teacher despite being in a wheelchair for 20 years untill he retired…he made some investments along the way and now he is more wealthy than his able bodied brothers and sisters.