A man is nursing his injuries in Nyeri county after his private parts were allegedly chopped off by his wife. it is believed that the couple fought when the man returned home in the morning after spending the night out. KTN’s senior reporter Carol Nderi has that story.
@Gecko Moriah yako iko next
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I liked the comments of one of the woman kwa hiyo news…" Kwa nini huyo mwanamke anakata sehemu nyeti na hiyo ndio nyumba…bila hiyo hakuna nyumba""atleast other women condemed the act.
Hehe and another youngish looking one said ‘hiyo ndio chakula yetu’ and I was like WTF?? :eek::eek:
These people!
Yeah. So sad.
huko ni kwa kina gashwin, buda tell us your secret ya kufikisha hamsini na all your sehemu nyetis
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Comments zina nimalisa
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