NIS Projection of the coming election

PROJECTION of the 2022 presidential elections BASED on the NIS survey.

With a projected national voter turnout of 78%, it is estimated that a total of 16,653, 555 Kenyans voters will cast their vote on 9th August this year.

Of the 16,653, 555 that will be cast on 9th August, Raila is expected to garner 10,920,659 (65.58%) against Ruto’s 5,328,312 (31.99%). This means that Raila will easily meet the constitutional threshold of 50%+ 1 vote and exceed it by over 2,593,882 votes or 15 percentage points.

In all the 11 clusters (political clusters), its only in the Kàlenjin nation that comprise of 7 counties where Ruto will beat Raila with 90% against 10%. This means that Raila will lead in 40 counties and will easily manage the constitutional threshold of 50% in at least 24 counties.

From the above projections, Raila will not only win, but he will have a legitimate victory given the margin of his victory.

via Wagunya S Muriu.

Can we start poping the corks … ?? :D:D


Waaahhh …
Things are elephant for William …:D:D

He will be in opposition with Musalia and the rest.

NIS have never been wrong when it comes to opinion polls

In central, Ruto has dropped to about 65%, While Raila has gone up to 35%. This is the swing region.


Political mastabation is a very pathethic self-help. At NSI we don’t publish. Wacha ujinga

This is how they start violence because the make their popaganda, start living it and believing it…then suddenly, reality hits, and right there they start uprooting infrasture. These Boozoos…we should loan them Uganda to have M7 straighten them up.

Not nearly as pathetic as you UDA guys will be on August 9th my broda

His very impressive credentials…
fully qualify him to be an opposition leader.

Wajakoya for president

There will be a lot of tears and the gnashing of teeth on the morning of 10th August 2022 …

I have actually planned 4 days Vacation and will stock up on beverages, food , snacks …


And Booty … :D:D

Yes boss! You guys are among the best in Africa.

Take it easy, you need to stay glued to your telly to catch the drama live. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. If CAK won’t block all live coverage. I have bought special deras for those days. I will be one very happy woman gloating here none stop.

I just got this excellent idea …

Why don’t I come over with my new Kanzu , a big Food and Drinks hamper and we can have a glorious 2 days together watching the results come in … ??? :D:D;)

NIS never shares these reports with the public… Nevertheless, I am not sure that the winner will score more than 52%… You can tell by the behaviour of the System… They are using every tool available to force a Baba win… And we can mark this post… RAO will certainly win but not by such a huge margin… Then the real drama will start from 10th August…

On 10th August , a Mega Series of Alcohol fuelled mass celebrations will begin and 2 fellows will begin long drives back to Sugoi and Nyeri … :D:D


I don’t want distractions my fren I have been waiting for this all year, I can’t miss the action, I will not even be receiving calls. I have to get as it is happening in real time.

My suggestion was …
Why not get it as you “get it” …??? :D:D