This is not bad actually.
Mazda RX2.
A bit much.
Sisi apana tambua subtlety.
Two spoilers for twice the aerodynamics. Overly green!
This one is well done
Our undoing is that we want to throw everything in. Spoiler, mud flaps, tint, double blade wipers, spade, ladder, snorkel, vinyl decals, chrome plated badges, spacers, bull bar, hood scoop, etc. Then we forget what car it was.
you forgot the cowhorns…and three aerials…
Hizo gari ziko sawa sana.
…and the ‘kichimbi’ sticker
Hehehe… My bad. And seat covers with RACING emblazoned on the back, and the furry dashboard and steering wheel.
…AND Hizo seat covers huwanga na label ya Type R.
Wa nyùba magari zao clearly zinajulikana
Tusisahau shovel na ladder pia
@introvert matching furry dashboard and a furry steering wheel cover :D:D
Utadhani kondoo imelala hapo kwa dashboard.
Na matweeters za Semtoni, gari ikipita utadhani ni kayamba za Arusha Mjini choir
Muwache nichill kwanza hata sijala lunch na mnamaliza mbavu zangu :D:D:D:D
Pimp my ride or die KRYing
Si racing… Logo za arsenal, chelsea, man u