starehe kwa heshima na sii tafadhali. kwenye famous grouse, kwenye alele, kwenye cashew. do ladies use this stuff? ur all welcome !
Hiyo meza ni shape ya dem amepiga doggy ama?
hehehh Virus rada ni gani leo empress wa kwako akaamua tu ma selfy -groundies ndio zake? must be a luhya iyo kuku…
uncle nyam uko raada aje? hehehh ! hiyo empress akiingia aone anajua hiyo ndio style atachora iyo siku
hata njoti:)
njoti ndio hizo peanuts kwa right
Those pants…
si ako on point? ka figure kame-tok’lezea ! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
My weekend has officially began somewhere in Mumias.
@mayekeke hapo sawa taxin ishike wikendi ikikaribishwa. maze thank goodness hakunanga alco-blow ya Handas as in ka veve-blow hivi to detect how high you are on the stuff… hehehh ! tungekua tunakiona! watu kama sisi ma-beast hawawes tushukishia starehe :D:D
Kashambaaaaaa jo!!! mtafanya nirudi veve ya sunday
Hao jamaa wa alcoblow hucheki huyu jamaa yuko under the influence of something lakini nikiblow kwa hio kitu hakuna any, wanachoka.
Kwani uko wapi nikutumie haka kabasanga kutoka UG?
haha bado niko Nairobery, naona nikichonga Sunday afte Club Samba nikiskia liveband ya Raggae na kuwatch Gor n AFC
@colombo ur missing alot. shika handas taxin kafure leo usiku ukiwa kwenye roots
@mayeke hiyo umeshika U.G ama ulianza nayo hapa kenya ukafika nayo uko? matawi za inje ziko aje compared to za hapa local Easich ?
@Hash_Tag ni juu nilin’golewa meno mbili za nyuma moja juu moja chini, that was kitu 2006 na nikapunguza by kitu 2009, since then ave not been very active, but I will make a comeback soon but am a weekend guy, no drugs on weekdays unless am working all night ntakula miraa na kahawa
Hii ni gari gani. I like
LOL how did you even notice that???