Benjamin Netanyahu out - Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid in - swearing in at 4pm Israel-time
Its written in the book Deuteronomy that this day will come and Jesus will bring us our prizes for being good boys and girls.
he had cleverly sawn division to be able to exploit a loophole in the constitution that would allow him to run continuous elections without ever leaving office forever. However, King Bibi’s DAYS ARE OVER
KING BIBI - Benjamin Netanyahu nickname, meaning the King the Magician. King Bibi used his tricks and charm to never leave office yet run elections over and over
Ana egemea mrego mgani wa siasa? Kushoto, kati kati ama kulia
Mushienzi mwingine amelamba lami kama beste yake DoDumb Trash…
kama hii fala haiendi hague…no one should bother kusumbua magaidi
Wenzake…the blood on his hands…sisemi…ata dagoretti corner haiwes compete…
Damu mobest na sio ya Ng’ombe… watoi…wamatha…etc
Wapi wale watu wa John Heigee and his last month blood moon prophesies that something terrible will happen to Israel? Nothing has happened and ghasia Bibi is out . Evangelicals at their best hypocrisy…
The nation of Israel is protected by God himself. A change in leadership doesn’t affect its security or future prospects.
Biggest mistake Israel citizenry have ever made.
These guys are Palestinians disguised as Israelis.
BIBI had true interests of ze Israelis at heart.
Mzito nobody refuses sovereignty ya Israel …hypocrisy yao na evangelicals ndio shida… na pia some african Christians who think they are more holy than Israelis themselves .pptoooh
He used to win by sparking divisions by " them against us"
Please could you direct me to that videoclip? I need to check it out for the first time, I’m waiting, hurry!
:D:D:D nani amukutaja mrembo
That is the reality on ze ground mdau. It’s actually Israel Vs The rest of the arab world.
To Palestine sympathisers who are celebrating coz Netanyahu is gone becoz he was ruthless towards Palestine I got news for u… the incoming Israeli leader is more ruthless and hates Palestine more than Netanyahu + Ariel Sharon(mnamkumbuka) combined.
Whoever curses God’s chosen people will also be cursed. Watch your tongue old man!
The fucking Arabs should be pounded like nobody’s business
Hii ndio ujinga ya leo… Saudis have been cursing Israelis all along and they are the most richest people… doesn’t add up friend
Like his friend Donald trash wacha those corruption cases zianze…not even God’s so people are spared from corruption Kenya mtaweza kweli:D
Trump was first, then Bibi, next itakuwa Hungary president, then Brazilian President. Yao iko motoni… these nationalists watikipata one by one… you cannot fuel your political ambitions by sparking controversial divisions of nationalism, hate and bigotry… they all have something in common… and it will take them down…
Amekataa kungatuka.