said to be more deadly then the delta variant
the paradigm continues
Can the PCR test kits differentiate the variants ?
in other news
evil boy billy G about to unleash the smallpox virus to the world masses
said to be more deadly then the delta variant
the paradigm continues
Can the PCR test kits differentiate the variants ?
in other news
evil boy billy G about to unleash the smallpox virus to the world masses
Why man? Unaishi yunairest steits, i can tell,they are the only people who masssacre THAN and THEN and can’t tell the difference. Anyway,is the covid ‘planted’ to decimate bonobos ama its mutating?
The weak will be very afraid , I choose to remain strong
Per can differentiate these variants , you are being prepared for your 4th booster shot.
For all those who were bragging about being fully vaccinated and behaving like it’s the biggest achievement in the world( saw one on twitter mpaka handle ni fully vaxxed) be prepared for the never ending booster shots .
It’ll be one booster shot after another. Ministry of Health in .ke ought to be put into task , and asked how they’re detecting these variants ?
Tim Truth (@TimTruth1) Tweeted:
Dr. Peter McCullough Fights Back: “The Vaccines Are NOT SAFE For Human Use” [MEDIA=twitter]1463230734567682049[/MEDIA]
you speak as if you’re a perfect specimen, you don’t/can’t make any mistakes.
Ever heard of the term “Typo” ???, it happens even to the very best of us.
Let me analogue it for you in a manner that you may understand
judging from your name it appears that you may be an expert when it comes to matters intercourse, - you see when bonking a chick the dick sometimes slips out unexpectedly, this does not in any means suggest that you are not good at intercourse , it merely states that you’re human and human beings aren’t perfect , human beings make mistakes. - A slip out during intercourse is the equivalent of a typo when writing, sure it has happened to you too in the past.
hope we understand each other.