Hehe nakwambia hizi ploti huwa na vituko.@Ice_Cube nimeona post yako ukisema ulitoka home at 18 years ikanikumbusha vitu mob!
After school, I felt sufficiently independent and left my parents nest arrogantly. Actually tulichochana tukiwa mabeste. Sema peer pressure, you want privacy with your girl etc… This was one hell of a period of my life. … Yaani…
Ploti inje ni wines and spirit joints tatu zimeshikana! hata ujiambie unataka kuwacha pombe aje huwezi acha! Ukitoka inje mabeste ni kibao kuzidisha pombe inapimwa nusu. Kulikua na pombe inaitwa kenya king what they did was take an empty chupa,(quatre) and gawa it in half. Hiyo empty kama ni atwoli ama mtu ako na tb amekunywa nayo shauri yako
Kitu ingine ni Noises. Umetoka job poa maybe uko na ka assignment coz i was studying while working .si umeenda kukram kitu kwa textbook unaskia jirani amewasha radio full blast na ni zile radio speaker imengolewa ikawekwa kwa mtungi waawa wawa!unasoma Ati the hypothesis of… (background ni 'inde, inde, inde, inde mooni, inde mooni eeh,) full blast! Kila kitu ina evaporate kwa akili … saa zingine bibi anapigana na bwana yes, it happens! Kelele na matusi mzito mzito all night!
Huko mzee Hakuna privacy banawe! Utapata a family of four living in one room. Pasia tu ndio imegawanyisha bedroom na sitting room. hapa ndio watoto hujulia tabia mbaya! I once overheard a kid saying, "daddy ni mchoyo, unakulanga miwa kwa kitanda usiku alafu mom Akimwomba anamchapa analia! I once moved to a room where only a door separated us from the next room, yaani ilifaa kua double room mlango ikafungwa. Mtu wangu Kuna mkisii alikua anapepeta vitu usiku wa manane utadhani ni wakorino wanaomba yaani PA! PA! PA!!, PA! PA! Kama watu Wana clap. Two hours straight while the lady and him are speaking in tongues during the entire episode…, 'ohh, ahh,gaki! Gaki gaki! Gaki, ooohh, ooohh baba! Ohh. Mama! And other gusii gibberish. in between you could hear the odd loud pussy fart amidst the old creaking spring bed which went on and on Hehe… niliitisha deposit… There was another guy a luo when he came, he would let out a hideous shriek like a pig being slaughtered Hahaha! Alafu I heard from the neighborhood rumourmill Ati he cries after the act. Hehehehe
Infidelity kwa hizi plot ni kama kitu ya kawaida. First day there unaona mabibi wa watu kwa ploti wanakuangalia ni kama fisi imeona mfupa, very friendly, everyone wants to befriend you.Maybe its the poverty but sharing everything made it soo easy unatoka kwa bafu you meet bibi ya mtu na towel ndogo amekupigia smile ingine unajua huyu hata hana chupi kwa mwili… Once a fight erupted between two married women Ati the other had stolen her boyfriend. It was discovered later since they both feared their husbands, walianza kufanyiana madharau ndogo ndogo until breaking point ilifika kikalimbuka! The so called boyfriend, (Nashuku ni uwesmake) was spotted in the wee hours ferrying his few earthly belongings lest he faces the wrath of the two husbands!
Uwizi nayo ilikuwa mob yaani unaanika jeans ukiendea pegs kwa nyumba jeans imemea miguu! Yaani ata duster wamama wanaiba. It wasn’t strange to meet someone in a mat proudly dorning your exact outfit head to toe! Githeri pamoja na jiko zinaenda ikichemka. Hapa ndio nilitumia masomo yangu practically kuweka 480 volts kwa mlango yangu… First casualty alikua rent agent. Dunia ina shida Kweli!
When I remember hizo siku, I just smile and pray none of my kids go through that shit. Afadhali waende upcountry! Wah! What a life
Haha. Afadhali ungekaa hostel kidogo. I hope you weren’t sexually harassed by the ploti mamas.
Sounds like Gachororo!
Mathare North memories…
Githurai/kayole actually ^^^^^^chekeni tu ni kubaya!
He he …this has made my day na venye kunaboo, its nice experiencing life early …I moved out wen I was turning 24 ilinibidi nidanganyane
naenda kufanya masters ati…I got a scholarship from the company.My dad made sure amenifikisha , where I was going to stay so I never got to
live kwa plot
That was kayole for me…hard times but once you move to your own house with a compound you really appreciate it.
@Davidee you live in your own house na dame anakukataa? Tafuta wa Murang’a
Hata mimi nimeshangaa :eek::eek::eek:
Kwanza usinikumbushe hio maneno im
coming back to my senses…hao wa muranga si watanikalia sana alafu waniue ndio wabaki na mali.
Sasa echoes ndio zinakukeep company?
I ain`t saying they are Gold Diggers…
Wa Muranga huwa hawakalii mtu , they r just a bit fighty
Wa Kiambu ndio mofire and from Kabete r very ambitious :D:D
Mimi bado niko kwa single room
Ni kama kuishi kwa hostels za KU, Nyayo 4. Mastude kupigana exile then unasikia next room rhythms za creaking beds.
U got him wrong…he meant living in his own compound rented house.
Mathare North base ya Obomo na wamutheu
Kuko aje huko?
I didn’t experience that but would hate it[ATTACH=full]4549[/ATTACH]