After a long search looking for a ranch to buy,now i have found one in santa fe county,new mexico,it’s around 32.37 hectares and costing 250 000 USD,picha ndio hii
watu wa tu ploti twa porini fanyeni hesabu,hio ndio imenifanya nienda international
ehene… nunua ndio tuhamie huko kama refugees
tafuta magnifying glass
hii ni picha ya 2.2kb umetuwekea! kebs imekataa
New mexico tunasija…
kwanza, SANTA FE
kwanza utakata hiyo mathenge uchome makaa ising’oe mbuzi meno?
2.2 kb kwani ni micro-thumbnail?
tusaidieni @Ice_Cube kuimba… when a rich nigga wants you… mmmh… and your nicca cant do nothing about it…oooh … These hoes aint loyal
I hpe u didnt call me a h** icecube said am too old n eloped
but you now have me dear,
hapo nimepigwa chenga na kukubali @Wakanyama ameleta shamba ya mexico on the table mimi nina za porini tu, no chance
All the best cowboy…see you in movies soon
nope naimba song ya Chris Brown
Those breast implants need a multi-millionaire to maintain them