Pray for your kids and monitor the stuff they watch especially in formative years. Alot of cartoons nowadays are too violent and others too sexual. Indoctrinate your kids with godly values early. Sunday school. Family fellowship at home. A family that prays together stays together. Avoid favoritism and villifying wayward kids. Remember jeolousy made Cain to kill Abel. Engage 3rd party in counseling if you are unable to deal with the child but do not abandon the wayward child bcz that is where they will go to seek belonging and acceptance in the worst company especially family enemies. Above all pray over your kids daily. Offer sacrifice at prayer mountain every year at the start like Job did. This world is rotten pray every morning for your kids and your prayer and sacrifice will keep them from all evil.
You are not a parent…you have never concieved…what business do you have advising parents
I can see that modern parents are defeated. Btw there’s a father who is also not a parent who has helped many parents with problematic children. His workshops are usually booked fully, months in advance. He has helped many.
Happy new year.
BTW I have always wondered why men hate single mothers but if a woman avoids sexual immorality and having children out of wedlock again she is vilified. You people remind me of your father Satan. First he tempts you then when you give in he runs to accuse you before God. In this rotten generation anyone who is over 20 living a life free of immorality should receive a medal it takes a strong person to evade such messes. But I understand that your mother is a single mother that’s why you can’t stand seeing women who are living upright lives and avoiding traps of men and Satan.
How have you survived all that?