Hizi climate change estimations zimekua wrong so many times its hard to believe them siku hizi.
first heard this when i was in standard 3, should have happened back in the mid 90s , but alas the snow is still there
Not new. There was a time they grew oranges in England
Why care what wazungu wajinga has to say? They aren’t God and despite being proven wrong many times, am surprised they still haven’t given up.
What do they expect people to do. Glacier sio watu waliweka hapo. We found it there.
For Mt kenya …could be sooner rather than later when i started going up there about 15 years ago lewis glacier was there nowadays its just a glory of its former self
ni glacier tulikuwa tunakaanga tukule nyama au?
Huku sio Russia. The earth is always on the move. Hizo changes ni kawaida
Hata Mosi-oa-tunya hukauka time zake
How do we know it is climate change and not the extensive deforestation that has taken place?
Mt Kenya forests used to reach Karatina town lakini leo hizo misitu ni hekaya
Zitarudi tu, global warming and cooling are natural cycles. Most likely a million light years ago god Saturn spilled his wine on the sun