Some of .their outlets hazina any.N they usually have a notice that they are managed by deacons.btw i only shop there when i get money with no sweat
Niliwahi kanyaga Mr Price mara moja tu, na nilipata overpriced takataka. Ata hizo khaki pants tatu nilibuy sikuwai vaa. Afadhali zile cartel za gikosh ziniibie mchana but nipate vitu swafi.
…MR Price took over from Deacons kitambo Sana. Naskia wanafunga kesho kabisa.
Watu wa second hand clothes hata hatujii Mr.Price ni birrionaire sampuli gani.
Mr price is a low quality clothes store from mzansi…I pity those who shop there…enda tu mtumba
You cannot sell overpriced crap and expect to be in business. Eastleigh ndio mwisho wa maneno , nikienda na 20k mimi hurudi na khaki na shati za wiki mzima na 2 pairs of loafers
Yani tunauziwa ngotha za kina zodwa
then in SA ni shop ya peasants. Kuna time soo much stuff with around $200 pale Joburg. wakifika hapa they over price expecting birrionaires to buy those poor quality stuff
The store has been bought off. The incoming investor decided to sell off what Mr Price had at 75% discount. They will reopen in July under a new name.
Kuna ingine inaitwa THINK TWICE… very interesting business model…
e-stores have taken most of their customers.
Wrong narratives here. Mr Price Kenya has always been operated by Deacons who also run Adidas, Bossini, F & F and Truworths.
Deacons inflate the prices of the clothes to maintain a high profit margin. Deacons has consistently been making losses year on year and their effort to grab cheap money by listing on the NSE did not bear fruits leading them to a majority of the chief management
Mr Price has decided to terminate the contract with Deacons and operate the Kenyan stores directly. I bought a sweater at WestGate Truworths for 8700 only to find the same sweater at Garden City Truworths which is directly operated by the South African parent company for only Kshs 4500.
Overpricing of goods is what is killing Deacons plus archaic Marketing strategies. They have never embraced digital marketing which has led to their market share being grabbed by small players e.g. Jade Collections, VivoActiveWear and City Walk
They just don’t learn from other Mzansi companies that tried to penetrate Kenyan market and failed. Remember Castle and EABL wars in the late 90’s?
Hio inauza mitumba.
Thrift store…get donations from majuu then wanauza huku. Model yao ni “decent mtumba” sio kubishana na wauzaji
Surprising its an EX-Mr Price employee who is running it.
Someone bought me shoes from there once. Niliendesha nayo nduthi mat moja ikararuka.
Nikakimbia kununua replacement pair juu angenuna 37 days.
Hizo nikivaa hata sikunji mguu nikitembea.
Bandia saidi.