Monkane steals a baby

@forestmonkey has stolen someone’s baby [ATTACH=full]441770[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]441771[/ATTACH]

Imejishindia pet

Lazima atatafutwo:D

Uchokozi tu …maybe hata ni revenge …alafu ikapandishe juu kabisa ikaache huko

The lioness has responded :D:D:D:D:D kumbe animal kingdom Kuna chokosh


Chokosh Wars

Heshima idumu.

:D:D:D:D baboon apantambua king of the jungle, itupee hio prince ghassia huko juuu ya mugumo tree ivunjike mgongo

Baboon is taking out the predator early. Can’t have too many of them around.

Bonobo apana taka ujinga…

Low iq thread