My requirement was a one bedroom house that was between the range of 15-20,000/-. I tried my luck but I was already late and all one bedroom houses were already taken. On my way to home I bumped into Michael he was surprised to see me as I was. It was a coincidence that he was looking for a house too. Since he had already missed a one bedroom house he had decided to settle on a two bedroom house and would look for a roommate to help him pay rent. I told him of my interest to start living independently and I suggested we could look for the house since its a two bedroom house everyone will be having his own room and we would share the rent equally. We got lucky and found a 22,000/- two bedroom house. We paid a months rent and deposit fees and off we got the house. We furnished the house and now it was ready for occupation. I had earlier told my dad of the plan to move out and he helped me move my personal things by borrowing a car to carry them. After getting blessings from the old man I was off to start life on my own. Michael had got a job in a casino along Kimathi street and the finances were not a problem. One thing was a problem though; Michael’s sexual escapades.
He had not left his queer behind in campus. I guess the one who came up with the proverb ‘old habits die hard’ wasn’t wrong after all. Michael used to exile me incase a lady came visiting and it happened on weekends. The sick bastard couldn’t even spare Sundays for God he would bang women as if his life depended on sex. Since I used to be exiled that much I used to stay at some wines and spirits shop with Eric the owner sipping a double shot of ‘Black and White’ whisky watching the type of women Michael brought home to ensure the imbecile didn’t bring home women who you would be confused to think they are Ballotelli’s brothers. Luckily to him he used to bring some good looking ladies. Good to my taste. Night romps were not allowed. There was no way I was going to sleep outside while he is busy cumming on some girl unless he gave me a ‘mzinga’ of whisky. There’s this gal he brought one day who I felt something wasn’t right about her. She was short, thick and had this fake personality about her; she had fake hair, fake eye lashes, fake eye brows, fake nails, fake boobs. I guess she had a fake ass and a fake pussy too. She had a fake smile and I guess she also faked an orgasm incase your are not performing to expectations or when she was bored. Everything about her was fake. She was this ‘fake it til you make it’ type of girl. I presume she was fake too more of like Samantha the doll type. She had a piercing on her nose and a tattoo on her thigh which didn’t feel right to me. Many people’s perceptions is that a woman with a thigh tattoo or a piercing on her nose is a whore I am not sure not my perception but the general perception. I mean its not that whores come with name tags but for her she seemed like it. She had this thighs that were full of stretch marks you couldn’t look twice but Michael being a ‘pornstar’ cared less as long as his dick ploughed the terrains of Mau forest. Monica was her name as he had told me earlier before I had moved out. It was Sunday afternoon and afterwards after she left I came back and finished on a company program I was designing. Monday morning time to go to work as usual I had to put on a wrist watch and go to work but ALAS it was missing.
I asked Michael if he saw it but he said he hadn’t seen it but I was 100% sure that I had left it on the table. I wanted to ask Michael about that girl she brought in the day before but I said I will keep it private but I won’t forget it. The 5000/- wrist watch had been given to me by my dad since I was the only kid in that home who had graduated. My elder brother Paul got into some bad company while in 3rd year and ended up dropping out. The last time we had about him he was almost lynched by a mob for stealing a phone the police came in time to save him, the old man didn’t want anything to do with him as he had brought shame to the family. My sister Claire had eloped with a 58 year old sponsor to some far away place in Mombasa and her education opportunity was wasted. Both the two had been a disgrace to the family and the old man had declared they should never set foot in that house again. He had done his best to educate us and that’s where his responsibility ended the decision to continue with education or not was yours but not all hope was lost as I had been promising in my school life and they believed in me that I couldn’t follow the path the other two did. True to their words their prayers were answered and I graduated. My dad even sold a plot to ensure my dream was achieved. The old man now said he could now die in peace as he had already witnessed me graduate something he himself didn’t even go through. He was very proud of me. I even pledged to buy the old man a bigger piece of land for selling his to educate me. I went to work a very angry man I couldn’t believe that the gift given to me was gone. Michael brought in another girl but everything was intact.
It was so strange that my precious watch disappeared when Monica had come to visit. I shared my views with Michael on the women he brought in and he assured me no lady was a thief. One Saturday afternoon, as usual Monica came to visit Michael, he was busy working on his laptop on some finance project the casino wanted to implement. Since the finance project was very important she came over to give him company after all he wanted me around. I decided to let them be and went to my room and started streaming ‘Narcos season 3’ on Netflix on my laptop. Before I had left to go to my room, I had left my 10,000/- 2TB hard disk on the seat deliberately so as to confirm that Monica wasn’t a thief as Michael was always on her defense. 3 hours later she wanted to leave and so Michael shouted to me ‘Wacha nifikishane stage ntakam’. On that point I came back to the sitting room and indeed confirmed my fears; my hard disk was missing.
“Monica unaeza nifungulia bag yako nione?” I asked.
She looked surprised, “Mbona unataka nikufungulie bag yangu?” she replied back.
“Hard disk yangu nimeiacha kwa kiti na siioni na nikiona bag yako haitakuwa vibaya.” I retorted.
“Bag yangu ikona vitu private”, she shot back.
On that moment Michael jumped in “Msee hizi ni gani umeanza?”
“Unajua nilikuwa nimeacha hard disk yangu kwa kiti na ilikuwa before Monica hajaingia inakuaje ati inapotea wakati anataka kujitoa?” I asked back.
Michael saw sense in that and told Monica
“Babe muonyeshe tu bag aone alafu tuende najua wewe si mwizi”.
“Aiii hapana nikona vitu private sitaki zionekane” she begged.
" Monic haya fanya ivi nionyeshe mimi alafu tuende nachelewa kuna vitu nafaa kufanya naamkia job kesho" Michael was getting uneasy.
She was persistent and I swore
“Usiponionyesha bag nitasema weee ni mwizi na hautatoka nje ya hii ploti”.
In the midst of the back and forth exchange of words I grabbed her bag, opened it and VOILA there it was my 10,000/- 2TB hard disk. How can she dare do this to me such a bitch. I stood there astounded and perplexed, I couldn’t believe that Monica was the one who used to steal my stuff. Here we were standing in the sitting room of the house shocked as to why she could do this to me. All this time I was right about her. She was shaking like a leaf on Eucalyptus tree after being blown off by strong winds drenched in sweet you could think she had come straight from a Glasgow marathon representing Kenya in the 10,000 metres. The tense situation couldn’t help any further. The mood in the room had changed from happy to tensed in less than a minute. Michael was going to know the truth about her.