Wangapi wamekula hii mkamba ya sabina joy…game yake iko aje[ATTACH=full]169485[/ATTACH]
Please join the best dating website in Kenya
Wangapi wamekula hii mkamba ya sabina joy…game yake iko aje[ATTACH=full]169485[/ATTACH]
Please join the best dating website in Kenya
Huyo mi simjuwi maybe wengine
Brathe kojoa ulale…kuna section mingi ktalk…tafuta inspiration section
You’re letting down VEs with this thread Mollis. NVs without discipline are the ones who expose “innocent” women in this manner. Kula vitu in peace ukipewa.
Huko ni 18+…enda sections zingine
Gerrra outta
You must be the queen bee of all beta males.
I like your post but I disagree with one point. Saying sex is about communication is a wee bit gay. I agree that sex should not be about validation but it is more primal for men and I think women too (help me Phylgee, phenomenal woman, pseudonym and other pink handles on here). That’s the only thing wrong with your chart.
Jaribu utuambie
That steel door is very ugly and whoever installed that prepaid CI could have done a better job.
OK. Hope kweli ni wa SB otherwise kuharibia watu jina haifai.
I know her personally huyo dame si poko.Acha kuharibia watu picha.mbwa hii
mi c mtambui
May be you don’t know her well enough.
I have seen this pic before in one of the dating sites i think. Wacha pombe ipungue kwa kichwa niweze kukumbuka.
Kula polepole bila kusumbua alafu ulete hekaya na sketch. Irreducible minimum.
Huyu poko hardcore wa Sabina Joy na Amar…kijana kama unaamini hawa wanawake wa Nairobi itaumia…alikudanganya anafanya kazi wapi…hehe