Kusema ukweli if the pigs kill 2 of my sons whom I’ve raised to uni, I’m going on some SAW like rampage.
Nawaua 1 by 1 polepole 5 years after the act. Wahangaike wakinikumbuka…
Sijai ona Askari wajinga ii dunia kama wakenya. Very very very stupid low grade trigger happy cunts. Yani hawa makende wanaeza kupea risasi ju anahisi umemwangalia vibaya ghaseer. Kusema ukweli ata mimi uyo ningemtafuta even if took 20 years na niko uhai atakula risasi pia. Huezi niulia watoto alafu unaendelea kuchukua hongo zako sabina joy ukisambaza kaswende. Nahisi nimekerwa kabisa ghaseer
I don’t like the Kenyan police and this one incident has only further increased my dislike for them. They are not human beings at all. Especially hizi Kuma zinafaa nguo za blue.
Wewe kwanza nakutumia police for stealing and posting lifted pics off internet to the village
Ghasia humbwa
Juzi natoka kejani am going toa an mPesa in the neighborhood and so.e D- akaniona nikiwithdraw.He was passing by.
Tunajua a and he is no the low constables, infact ni rank ya Sergeant.
So ikanisalimia na cz I was already through nikatoka Nje and shook his hand na tunaanza small talk za ‘Umepotelea wapi’ n stuff.
Then as we part he is like "Sasa huwezi leta mia nikule lunch hapa’?.(Apparently there’s a restaurant next to the mPesa so I presume he was heading for lunch there).
Wadau ilelook nilimpatia! Alijua Mimi sio fala.
Why are they always this entitled?
Plus I must be the only guy in Kenya who doesn’t have a D- relative ama? Coz I’d surely hate them automatically just for that.