I don’t know about you but huku vitongoji duni kunanyesha serious. Just watching the drops rattle off on roofs, listening to frogs and crickets, thinking about the pandemic.
Who is gonna be the first famous person (politician or technocrat, we already have a famous chef, playwright, actor and actress) pass on? Locally and globally?
Yeah, sinister thoughts in my head.
But the rain is too calming. I wish it could drain corona away into the Indian Ocean. I think aquatic life would survive.
It (The rain) reminds me of childhood. So little to worry about. Running and playing in the rain, sliding down the muddy hill then returning home for viboko and hit repeat.
Or running around with dogs on nights when the moon and stars appeared so close. Disco matanga!
Why did we have to mess with bats of all things surely? Whyyyyyyyyyyy! Why eat things we shouldn’t? Kumbekumbe haitoshi?
Now look at us. More than half of the world experiencing restricted movement.
I hope herd immunity sets soone, especially for Africa. Otherwise babu zetu and all persons with very weak immune systems itabidi kwaheri. Inauma but itabidi tu.
Mungu, mbona tu 2020? Ati mnaachana mtu akienda hosi then few days later unacollect ashes. Haya mwili hamna.